sipeed / platform-kendryte210

Kendryte K210: development platform for PlatformIO
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无法下载例程 #7

Closed hhhhljp closed 5 years ago

hhhhljp commented 5 years ago

[ERROR] enum34 must be installed, run pip install enum34 *** [upload] Error 1 我已经安装过enum34了,是安装位置有问题还是什么其他情况吗 编译过程没有问题,例程选择的是kendryte-standalone-sdk的HelloWord

bitsk commented 5 years ago


How to set up can automatically install kflash dependency package?

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

You need to pack kflash tool with pre-installed Python packages. See example with Please download this file tool-pulp-debug-bridge-darwin_x86 and take a look at scripts/ Lines: 78-107.

So, the core idea is to install dependencies to python/site-packages and later inject them into Python sitedir.

hhhhljp commented 5 years ago

The problem has been solved, I made the download location of enum34 wrong, it should be installed in the file directory of pio

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

This is a bug. You no need to install extra packages with PlatformIO. Package should contain all dependencies.

bitsk commented 5 years ago

I saw your example, but I still can't figure out what happened to the package during the installation process. Can I use pip directly during installation? Kflash has been released as a package in pypi, and its may be able to handle these dependencies.

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

We don't run python when installing a package. We just unpack it and move to ~/.platformio/packages folder. It's not easy to install Python package because it can lead to a lot of issues. There are built-in Python installation in OS, custom virtual environment for PIO Core etc... Each of them has own site-packages storage.

So, keeping package totally independent of pip resolves all issues with local Python installation. Also, it resolves issue with install package without administrative/sudo permissions.

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

We need to pack enum34 and pyelftool into the package. Could you try to do that?

bitsk commented 5 years ago

I am trying... I noticed this function,

def install_pysite(dst, packages):
    for package in packages:["pip", "install", "--no-compile", "-t", dst, package])

But I don't know how it is called. Is it executed once in every time it runs?

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

You can run pip install -t from CLI. That script was provided as a hint. You actually don’t need it.

bitsk commented 5 years ago

I used a simple way to get kflash out of dependencies, which can now be run directly.

This may not be a perfect method. image

            "sha1": "87ef5303917ff2e1fcc7b2bc194f67bd14e5f597",
            "system": "*",
            "url": "",
            "version": "0.8.2"
ivankravets commented 5 years ago

@btx000 Thanks! I think we can live with it :)

I've just deployed this package. I've just thought, we can actually can run $PYTHONEXE -m pip install platform.get_package_dir("tool-kflash-kendryte210") before uploading. In this case, we will install kflash dependencies to PIO Core site-packages.

Nevertheless, keeping packages in an isolated environment is a better option.