sippy / rtpproxy

The RTPproxy is a high-performance software proxy for RTP streams that can work together with Sippy B2BUA, Kamailio, OpenSIPS and SER.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
404 stars 114 forks source link

ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error #109

Closed rillywang closed 4 years ago

rillywang commented 4 years ago

i deployed rtpproxy+opensips on linux and tried use linphone for mac and ios to connect with opensips sever. Got error as below:

May 24 22:50:26 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:50:27 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:50:36 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:50:46 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:50:56 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:51:03 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:51:06 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error May 24 22:51:16 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[4438]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:426: command syntax error

OS version:

[root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ /]# cat /proc/version Linux version 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64 ( (gcc version 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4) (GCC)) #1 SMP Wed Feb 5 02:00:39 UTC 2020

opensips version and config file:

[root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ /]# opensips -V version: opensips 3.0.2 (x86_64/linux) flags: STATS: On, DISABLE_NAGLE, USE_MCAST, SHM_MMAP, PKG_MALLOC, Q_MALLOC, F_MALLOC, HP_MALLOC, DBG_MALLOC, FAST_LOCK-ADAPTIVE_WAIT ADAPTIVE_WAIT_LOOPS=1024, MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 262144, MAX_LISTEN 16, MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535 poll method support: poll, epoll, sigio_rt, select. git revision: 7e8167853 main.c compiled on 16:25:40 May 24 2020 with gcc 8

config file:

[root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# cat /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg #

OpenSIPS residential configuration script

by OpenSIPS Solutions


This script was generated via "make menuconfig", from

the "Residential" scenario.

You can enable / disable more features / functionalities by

re-generating the scenario with different options.


Please refer to the Core CookBook at:

for a explanation of possible statements, functions and parameters.


####### Global Parameters #########

log_level=3 log_stderror=no log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0


udp_workers = 4 / uncomment the following lines to enable debugging /


/ uncomment the next line to enable the auto temporary blacklisting of not available destinations (default disabled) /


/ uncomment the next line to enable IPv6 lookup after IPv4 dns lookup failures (default disabled) /


/ comment the next line to enable the auto discovery of local aliases based on reverse DNS on IPs / auto_aliases=no

listen=udp: # CUSTOMIZE ME listen=tcp: # CUSTOMIZE ME

####### Modules Section ########

set module path



loadmodule ""

StateLess module

loadmodule ""

Transaction Module

loadmodule "" modparam("tm", "fr_timeout", 5) modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timeout", 30) modparam("tm", "restart_fr_on_each_reply", 0) modparam("tm", "onreply_avp_mode", 1)

Record Route Module

loadmodule "" / do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script) / modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)

MAX ForWarD module

loadmodule ""

SIP MSG OPerationS module

loadmodule ""

FIFO Management Interface

loadmodule "" modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo") modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_mode", 0666)

MYSQL module

loadmodule ""

USeR LOCation module

loadmodule "" modparam("usrloc", "nat_bflag", "NAT") modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2) modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:abc123456@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME


loadmodule "" modparam("registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag", "TCP_PERSISTENT") modparam("registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(received_nh)")/ uncomment the next line not to allow more than 10 contacts per AOR /

modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10)

ACCounting module

loadmodule "" / what special events should be accounted ? / modparam("acc", "early_media", 0) modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 0) / by default we do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests. if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag" in "rr" module / modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0) modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:abc123456@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME

AUTHentication modules

loadmodule "" loadmodule "" modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes) modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password") modparam("auth_db", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:abc123456@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME modparam("auth_db", "load_credentials", "")

ALIAS module

loadmodule "" modparam("alias_db", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:abc123456@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME

DIALOG module

loadmodule "" modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 1) modparam("dialog", "default_timeout", 21600) # 6 hours timeout modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 2) modparam("dialog", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:abc123456@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME

NAT modules

loadmodule "" modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 10) modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", "SIP_PING_FLAG") modparam("nathelper", "sipping_from", "sip:pinger@") #CUSTOMIZE ME modparam("nathelper", "received_avp", "$avp(received_nh)")

loadmodule "" modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "udp:") # CUSTOMIZE ME


loadmodule "" modparam("dialplan", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:abc123456@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME

loadmodule "" loadmodule "" ####### Routing Logic ########

main request routing logic


    # initial NAT handling; detect if the request comes from behind a NAT
    # and apply contact fixing
    if (nat_uac_test(23)) {
            if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
            } else {

    if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header(10)) {
            send_reply(483,"Too Many Hops");

    if (has_totag()) {

            # handle hop-by-hop ACK (no routing required)
            if ( is_method("ACK") && t_check_trans() ) {

            # sequential request within a dialog should
            # take the path determined by record-routing
            if ( !loose_route() ) {
                    # we do record-routing for all our traffic, so we should not
                    # receive any sequential requests without Route hdr.
                    send_reply(404,"Not here");

            # validate the sequential request against dialog
            if ( $DLG_status!=NULL && !validate_dialog() ) {
                    xlog("In-Dialog $rm from $si (callid=$ci) is not valid according to dialog\n");
                    ## exit;

            if (is_method("BYE")) {
                    # do accounting even if the transaction fails


            if (check_route_param("nat=yes")) 
            # route it out to whatever destination was set by loose_route()
            # in $du (destination URI).

    # CANCEL processing
    if (is_method("CANCEL")) {
            if (t_check_trans())

    # absorb retransmissions, but do not create transaction

    if ( !(is_method("REGISTER")  ) ) {

            if (is_myself("$fd")) {

                    # authenticate if from local subscriber
                    # authenticate all initial non-REGISTER request that pretend to be
                    # generated by local subscriber (domain from FROM URI is local)
                    if (!proxy_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
                            proxy_challenge("", 0);
                    if ($au!=$fU) {
                            send_reply(403,"Forbidden auth ID");

                    # caller authenticated

            } else {
                    # if caller is not local, then called number must be local

                    if (!is_myself("$rd")) {
                            send_reply(403,"Relay Forbidden");


    # preloaded route checking
    if (loose_route()) {
                    "Attempt to route with preloaded Route's [$fu/$tu/$ru/$ci]");
            if (!is_method("ACK"))
                    send_reply(403,"Preload Route denied");

    # record routing
    if (!is_method("REGISTER|MESSAGE"))

    # account only INVITEs
    if (is_method("INVITE")) {

            # create dialog with timeout
            if ( !create_dialog("B") ) {
                    send_reply(500,"Internal Server Error");



    if (!is_myself("$rd")) {
            append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n"); 


    # requests for my domain

    if (is_method("PUBLISH|SUBSCRIBE")) {
            send_reply(503, "Service Unavailable");

    if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
            # authenticate the REGISTER requests
            if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
                    www_challenge("", 0);

            if ($au!=$tU) {
                    send_reply(403,"Forbidden auth ID");
            if ($proto == "tcp")
            if (isflagset(NAT)) {
            if (!save("location"))


    if ($rU==NULL) {
            # request with no Username in RURI
            send_reply(484,"Address Incomplete");

    # apply DB based aliases

    # apply transformations from dialplan table
    dp_translate( 0, "$rU", $rU);

    # do lookup with method filtering
    if (!lookup("location","m")) {
            if (!db_does_uri_exist("$ru","subscriber")) {
                    send_reply(420,"Bad Extension");

            t_reply(404, "Not Found");

    if (isbflagset(NAT)) setflag(NAT);

    # when routing via usrloc, log the missed calls also



route[relay] {

for INVITEs enable some additional helper routes

    if (is_method("INVITE")) {

            if (isflagset(NAT)) {


    if (isflagset(NAT)) {

    if (!t_relay()) {
            send_reply(500,"Internal Error");


branch_route[per_branch_ops] { xlog("new branch at $ru\n"); }

onreply_route[handle_nat] { if (nat_uac_test(1)) fix_nated_contact(); if ( isflagset(NAT) ) rtpproxy_answer("ro"); xlog("incoming reply\n"); }

failure_route[missed_call] { if (t_was_cancelled()) { exit; }

    # uncomment the following lines if you want to block client 
    # redirect based on 3xx replies.
    ##if (t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) {
    ##t_reply(404,"Not found");
    ##      exit;


local_route { if (is_method("BYE") && $DLG_dir=="UPSTREAM") {

            acc_db_request("200 Dialog Timeout", "acc");



rtpproxy version [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -V 2.2.alpha.141d2aa4 [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]#

rtpproxy command:

rtpproxy -A -l -s udp: -F -d INFO:LOG_LOCAL5

rillywang commented 4 years ago

I tried with 2.1 version. The error is as below:

May 25 00:05:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[24541]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) May 25 00:06:11 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[24541]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error

[root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -version Basic version: 20040107 Extension 20050322: Support for multiple RTP streams and MOH Extension 20060704: Support for extra parameter in the V command Extension 20071116: Support for RTP re-packetization Extension 20071218: Support for forking (copying) RTP stream Extension 20080403: Support for RTP statistics querying Extension 20081102: Support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command Extension 20081224: Support for session timeout notifications Extension 20090810: Support for automatic bridging Extension 20140323: Support for tracking/reporting load Extension 20140617: Support for anchoring session connect time Extension 20141004: Support for extendable performance counters Extension 20150330: Support for allocating a new port ("Un"/"Ln" commands) Extension 20150420: Support for SEQ tracking and new rtpa_ counters; Q command extended Extension 20150617: Support for the wildcard %%CC_SELF%% as a disconnect notify target [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -V 2.0.beta.20150106 [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]#

sobomax commented 4 years ago


Where did you get the options that you are supplying to the rtpproxy_offer/answer() commands? I.e. "ro".

There is no such option "O" as far as I know, and "R" requires IP addresses of the next hop.

Please advise.

Thank you!


On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 9:21 AM rillywang wrote:

I tried with 2.1 version. The error is as below:

May 25 00:05:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[24541]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) May 25 00:06:11 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[24541]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error

[root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -version Basic version: 20040107 Extension 20050322: Support for multiple RTP streams and MOH Extension 20060704: Support for extra parameter in the V command Extension 20071116: Support for RTP re-packetization Extension 20071218: Support for forking (copying) RTP stream Extension 20080403: Support for RTP statistics querying Extension 20081102: Support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command Extension 20081224: Support for session timeout notifications Extension 20090810: Support for automatic bridging Extension 20140323: Support for tracking/reporting load Extension 20140617: Support for anchoring session connect time Extension 20141004: Support for extendable performance counters Extension 20150330: Support for allocating a new port ("Un"/"Ln" commands) Extension 20150420: Support for SEQ tracking and new rtpa_ counters; Q command extended Extension 20150617: Support for the wildcard %%CC_SELF%% as a disconnect notify target [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -V 2.0.beta.20150106 [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]#

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

-- Maksym Sobolyev Sippy Software, Inc. Internet Telephony (VoIP) Experts Tel (Canada): +1-778-783-0474 Tel (Toll-Free): +1-855-747-7779 Fax: +1-866-857-6942 Web: MSN: Skype: SippySoft

rillywang commented 4 years ago

r - flags that IP address in SDP should be trusted. Without this flag, rtpproxy ignores address in the SDP and uses source address of the SIP message as media address which is passed to the RTP proxy.

o - flags that IP from the origin description (o=) should be also changed.

I got this from the document.

rillywang commented 4 years ago

I tried to stop opensips server and only let rtpproxy server running, I still got this problem. Here is the log file that I use ngrep log it. is the server internet ip address is the server intranet ip address is my local intranet ip address is my internet ip address.


rillywang commented 4 years ago

I tried with linphone+opensips at local intranet. it works fine.

sobomax commented 4 years ago

Rilly, can you possibly run rtpproxy at info debug level (-d info) and submit logs. That should provide actual command(s) issued by the OpenSIPS. Thanks!


On Sun., May 31, 2020, 6:29 p.m. rillywang, wrote:

I tried with linphone+opensips at local intranet. it works fine.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

rillywang commented 4 years ago

Jun 1 16:19:59 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 1 16:20:04 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:20:14 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:20:24 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:20:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:20:35 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 1 16:20:44 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:20:54 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:21:04 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:21:11 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 1 16:21:14 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:21:24 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:21:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:21:44 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:21:47 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 1 16:21:54 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:04 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:14 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:23 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 1 16:22:24 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:44 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:54 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:22:59 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 1 16:23:04 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 1 16:23:14 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1540]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error

rillywang commented 4 years ago

It is strange that the opensips server can handle the invite message even the rtpproxy server is not running . I open an issue with opensips server. The address is

sobomax commented 4 years ago

Thanks Rilly, however, I still don't see actual commands in the logs. Could you please try with the log level set to debug (-d dbug) instead? You should see something along those lines:

00:00:03.414/DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:396: received command "A aVF 20080403" 00:00:03.414/ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse:255: unknown command "A" 00:00:03.414/DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply:192: sending reply "E0\n" 00:00:03.414/DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:396: received command "B aVF 20080403" 00:00:03.414/ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse:255: unknown command "B" 00:00:03.414/DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply:192: sending reply "E0\n" 00:00:03.414/DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_split:396: received command "U" 00:00:03.414/ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse:261: update/create command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (1)

Much appreciated.


On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 2:37 AM rillywang wrote:

It is strange that the opensips server can handle the invite message even the rtpproxy server is not running . I open an issue with opensips server. The address is

OpenSIPS/opensips#2129 (comment)

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

-- Maksym Sobolyev Sippy Software, Inc. Internet Telephony (VoIP) Experts Tel (Canada): +1-778-783-0474 Tel (Toll-Free): +1-855-747-7779 Fax: +1-866-857-6942 Web: MSN: Skype: SippySoft

rillywang commented 4 years ago

The log file for rtproxy.log rtpproxy.log opensips.log

Jun 2 00:37:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: INFO:GLOBAL:main: rtpproxy started, pid 1367 Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:39:32 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:32 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 2 00:39:32 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "E1\n" Jun 2 00:39:33 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:36 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:40 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:42 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:42 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 2 00:39:42 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "E5\n" Jun 2 00:39:44 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:48 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:51 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:51 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "#015#012#015\n" Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "E5\n" Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@;transport=udp;+sip.instance=""#015#012Expires: 0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#015#012#015\n"

rillywang commented 4 years ago

[root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -V 2.0.beta.20150106 [root@iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ ~]# rtpproxy -v Basic version: 20040107 Extension 20050322: Support for multiple RTP streams and MOH Extension 20060704: Support for extra parameter in the V command Extension 20071116: Support for RTP re-packetization Extension 20071218: Support for forking (copying) RTP stream Extension 20080403: Support for RTP statistics querying Extension 20081102: Support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command Extension 20081224: Support for session timeout notifications Extension 20090810: Support for automatic bridging Extension 20140323: Support for tracking/reporting load Extension 20140617: Support for anchoring session connect time Extension 20141004: Support for extendable performance counters Extension 20150330: Support for allocating a new port ("Un"/"Ln" commands) Extension 20150420: Support for SEQ tracking and new rtpa_ counters; Q command extended Extension 20150617: Support for the wildcard %%CC_SELF%% as a disconnect notify target

sobomax commented 4 years ago

Rilly, first your rtpproxy seems to be hopelessly old. It's some 2.0-beta, we have had 2.1 out as our latest stable release for at least 2 years now.

Now, the actual logs errors you are seeing is because the RTPproxy receives raw SIP messages on its socket from your phone, not the control protocol commands from OpenSIPS. It looks like your phone is sending SIP traffic directly to the RTPproxy, not to OpenSIPS for some reason.

Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP ;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@ ;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n"

Hope it helps.


On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 9:43 AM rillywang wrote:

The log file for rtproxy.log rtpproxy.log opensips.log

Jun 2 00:37:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: INFO:GLOBAL:main: rtpproxy started, pid 1367 Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_0 V" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "20040107\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1591_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1594_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_1 VF 20050322" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1596_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1597_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_2 VF 20071116" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_3 VF 20081102" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_4 VF 20090810" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1598_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_5 VF 20081224" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_6 VF 20080403" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_7 VF 20150617" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_8 VF 20150420" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_9 VF 20170313" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "0\n" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "1595_10 VF 20071218" Jun 2 00:38:37 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "1\n" Jun 2 00:39:32 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:32 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: ERR:GLOBAL:rtpp_command_pre_parse: noplay command syntax error: invalid number of arguments (19) Jun 2 00:39:32 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "E1\n" Jun 2 00:39:33 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:34 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:36 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:40 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:42 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:42 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 2 00:39:42 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "E5\n" Jun 2 00:39:44 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:48 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Ehc0E7GVz;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 20 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


600#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:51 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:51 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "#15\n" Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: ERR:GLOBAL:get_command: command syntax error Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:rtpc_doreply: sending reply "E5\n" Jun 2 00:39:52 iZ2ze8mav2o3p18vgvvk8zZ rtpproxy[1367]: DBUG:GLOBAL:get_command: received command "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.jjg4zsOQ4;rport#015#012From: sip:110@;tag=XAR3yMxdB#015#012To: sip:110@ http://sip:110@ 21 REGISTER#015#012Call-ID: 8coT0pwzu6#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Supported: replaces, outbound#015#012Accept: application/sdp#015#012Accept: text/plain#015#012Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml#015#012Contact: sip:110@ ;transport=udp;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:e37488ef-6611-4374-a9f5-c05d645ae75c"


0#015#012User-Agent: Linphone Desktop/4.1.1 (belle-sip/1.6.3)#15\n"

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rillywang commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot. I modified it and it works fine now.