sipsorcery-org / sipsorcery

A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
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When installing the package SipSorceryMedia.Windows, an error occurs windows-x64, .Net7.0 AvaloniaUI #1053

Closed TheBestWorldProgrammer closed 7 months ago

TheBestWorldProgrammer commented 7 months ago


TheBestWorldProgrammer commented 7 months ago

NuGet\Install-Package : NU1202: Пакет SIPSorceryMedia.Windows 6.0.5 несовместим с net7.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0). Пакет SIPSorceryMedia.Windows 6.0.5 поддерживает:

sipsorcery commented 7 months ago

Any idea what target framework moniker would work?

TBH I've lost track of how to properly target nuget packages that need to use Windows OS functions. It's probably still something to do with WinRT but I've "given up keeping up".

thicsilva commented 7 months ago

Maybe changing to .netx.x-windows here (removing platform version) solve the problem.

sipsorcery commented 7 months ago

Maybe changing to .netx.x-windows here (removing platform version) solve the problem.

The WinRT API's don't seem to be supported with just a *-windows, e.g. net8.0-windows, tfm.

Attempting it gives errors that the Windows.Graphics, Winows.Media etc namespaces cannot be found.

TheBestWorldProgrammer commented 7 months ago

Here is Example Naudio .cproj net472;netcoreapp3.1;net6.0-windows;net6.0 But I do not know if it will help

sipsorcery commented 7 months ago

You're welcome to test this out yourself. The code is right here.