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WebRTC to FFPlay Key Frame #1145

Open nodminger opened 2 months ago

nodminger commented 2 months ago

Hi Sipsorcery Team. I was using WebRTC to FFPlay example and it works completely fine. But when I made two Peers using Sipsorcery and requested KeyFrame from one end, it doesn't work. Will forcing keyframe works only in Sipsorcery to Web App?

ha-ves commented 1 month ago

in that example, it sends the ask for keyframe (picture loss indication RTCP feedback) message to a web browser webrtc implementation which most likely handles it auto-magically.

You can manually force the keyframe on the source

// having a map is convenient and will cover for multiple stream(s) RTP session(s)
var VideoSourceTrack = new Dictionary<IVideoSource, MediaStreamTrack>();

Do add the tracks to the source RTCPeerConnection

var ThisPC = new RTCPeerConnection(...) { ... };
// ... foreach VideoSourceTrack, addtrack, onencodedframe -> track.sendvideo, etc.

Then configure the callback for key-frame request

ThisPC.OnReceiveReport += (ipEP, sdpMediaType, rtcpCompPkt) =>
    // Sanity check for feedback
    if (rtcpCompPkt.Feedback is var rtcpFB && rtcpFB != null
        && sdpMediaType ==
        //Picture Loss Indication [RFC4585] a.k.a key frame requested
        && rtcpFB.Header.PayloadFeedbackMessageType == PSFBFeedbackTypesEnum.PLI)
        VideoSourceTrack.First(vt =>
            vt.Value == ThisPC.VideoStreamList.First(v =>
                            && v.LocalTrack.IsSsrcMatch(rtcpFB.MediaSSRC)
nodminger commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the above code suggestion. I have a video source in this variable cameraSource. So I manually tried to call this cameraSource.ForceKeyFrame(), but it didn't work. The code you gave also do the same(cameraSource.ForceKeyFrame()) right?

ha-ves commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, came back a bit too long.

It is up to the encoder to produce the keyframe.

It seems that the method for requesting the keyframe is not valid at the encoding control.