sipss / AlpsNMR

Automated spectraL Processing System for NMR
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Slow examples #36

Closed zeehio closed 4 years ago

zeehio commented 4 years ago

When I run the checks on my computer, several examples are "too slow" (take >5 seconds). Is it just me?

✓  checking examples (5m 39.4s)
   Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s
                                     user system elapsed
   pipe_pakdet_align               29.231  0.128  29.266
   pipe_peak_integration           29.163  0.044  29.078
   get_integration_with_metada     17.330  0.052  17.383
   validate_nmr_dataset_peak_table 16.481  0.012  16.494
   nmr_align                       16.112  0.024  16.145
   nmr_integrate_peak_positions    15.844  0.044  15.888
   nmr_detect_peaks_plot           14.436  0.044  14.491
   nmr_detect_peaks                14.068  0.044  14.124
   nmr_detect_peaks_tune_snr       11.973  0.020  12.000
   pipe_outlier_detection          10.844  0.032  10.888
   pipe_interpolate_1D              9.753  0.556  10.794
   Pipe_normalization               9.386  0.236   9.554
   pipe_exclude_regions             9.200  0.328   9.486
   nmr_pca_outliers_robust          9.040  0.012   9.054
   plot_webgl                       8.338  0.244   8.503
   nmr_pca_plots                    5.982  0.064   6.048
Hgracia commented 4 years ago

No is not only you. The bioconductor requisite is that the entire building of the package will take under 10 minutes and for now it did, so i don't made more efforts to reduce that times

Hgracia commented 4 years ago

Now examples takes around 3 mins, i found it acceptable considering the large number of examples v checking examples (3m 18.5s)

I close this