siqueira-hc / Efficient-Facial-Feature-Learning-with-Wide-Ensemble-based-Convolutional-Neural-Networks

Efficient Facial Feature Learning with Wide Ensemble-based Convolutional Neural Networks
MIT License
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How to train a binary task? #13

Closed Angel113110 closed 4 years ago

Angel113110 commented 4 years ago

Dear author. Thanks for replying me. I want to use the second way you told to train a binary task. That is only re-train the last layer. How to do with it? I'm new in FER. Can you tell more details?

siqueira-hc commented 4 years ago

Dear Angel113110,

Unfortunately, I cannot give you this level of personal support due to time constraints. Nevertheless, the answer to your question is the script

I recommend checking out blogs that give tutorials of machine learning such as:

Once again, thank you for your interest and message.

All the best, Henrique Siqueira