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Visualisation: integrate many vertical levels of the data #21

Open lorenzznerol opened 3 years ago

lorenzznerol commented 3 years ago

The task is not about the data, which is given by the Optimisation / Analysis teams.

A user should be able to choose the vertical level and see the change in the visualisation:

Show different data.

md-Junaid commented 3 years ago

If there is any example or can you provide more information on this?

lorenzznerol commented 3 years ago

Our general plan was to zoom into an area, which is a sort of horizontal selection, which was one of the main aims given by the chair. Here, we also want to add a vertical zoom (a filter on the deepness). It is partly for the visionary mobile app here, but this idea could also be interesting in a normal visualisation and analysis task, independent of the mobile app idea.

We need more external data to be able to fulfil this task, but we can start with the stokes data given. The stokes data does already include the surface streams (the influence of waves, in contrast to the nostokes). We know how deep the larvae are, this is given in meters in the data, and we can create a filter in meters on this attribute so that you would use a filter like: between 10 and 20 meters depth. We also know the temperature that the larvae live in. The idea here is to be able to choose different levels in deepness and get all of the information within this level of deepness only.

You will need more external data like weather and sea data to make good sense of a vertical zoom (filter), sea maps with deepnesses of the sea, streams, winds, ship traffic, sharks, fishing areas or other things that might influence larvae, have a look at #23 and get more external sources, that is why this issue is labelled "independent", it depends on #23, and it also depends on a backend #13 or #17 and many other tasks around this like clustering from #29 / #10.

Vertical level questions: give me only the larvae that are near-surface. Show me only the information that is available on the surface. Give me all of the visualizations about the deep sea below me. Or give me just all of the temperature values, split up by vertical levels, like: deep 8 degrees, near surface 14 degrees, surface 20 degrees, above surface (in the air) 25 degrees.