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Explore Marine Sciences #23

Open lorenzznerol opened 3 years ago

lorenzznerol commented 3 years ago

Explore OceanParcels and Copernicus Ocean current model and other Copernicus visualisations, simulations and datasets.

This is not about really implementing. The original purpose of this issue was to find a frontend, which seems to be given already by Folium / d3, but we do not know what kind of ideas can be found in these sources, be it for visualisation, optimisation or analysis.

This issue is more about finding out what might be of value. That is why this is not labeled as "vision". Actually implementing such models might already part of a too visionary aim, but even that is not clear without knowing what is behind the models presented on a silver tablet here. We might use such models to integrate external data, winds, waves, currents and so on into the dataset, or to integrate ML / DL prediction results into simulations. We need to roughly know what is behind OceanParcels, which was the base of the given dataset, and / or Copernicus models. This task can also be done by the Analysis or Optimisation team and shall only hint at the right roadmap to follow.

It might get more important if we get to a more visionary part of the project, then we need to open a new issue with more in-depths application, from prototyping till full analysis.
