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Higher-order network analytics for time series data #45

Open lorenzznerol opened 2 years ago

lorenzznerol commented 2 years ago and the linked videos there

Intro to PathPy

pip install pathpy

What is pathpy?

pathpy is an Open Source python package providing higher-order network analytics for time series data.


Examples for data that can be analysed with pathpy include high-resolution time-stamped network data, dynamic social networks, user click streams on the Web, biological pathway data, citation graphs, passenger trajectories in transportation networks, or information propagation in social networks.


It allows to answer the question when network models of time series data are justified and when higher-order models are needed.

pathpy is fully integrated with jupyter, providing rich interactive visualisations of networks, temporal networks, higher-, and multi-order models. Visualisations can be exported to HTML5 files that can be shared and published on the Web. You can find examples in our gallery.