sirctseb / Scope

Soar coping model
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Support "Scope Commands" to customize coping behavior #22

Open sirctseb opened 12 years ago

sirctseb commented 12 years ago

For example, if the looping part of a recurring set of tasks dies, the whole recurrence will die. We should develop a system to allow analysts to state that, for example, a given task should be restarted under certain conditions.

sirctseb commented 12 years ago

Exempt tasks For tasks that do not represent actual task components. These are generally meant for task network control. Scope does not modify the release condition value, will not interrupt or delay the task. Exempt tasks should have 0 workload because they should not factor into the overall workload.

sirctseb commented 12 years ago

It would be best to define these task properties in a field that already exists in the IMPRINT UI, so that they are saved with the model. We can access these through the Task objects in the plugin. For example, we could have them defined in commented lines in the event code. Pretty hacky but there aren't that many good places to do it.

sirctseb commented 12 years ago

Alternatively we could define variables that indicate tasks that have different properties. This is marginally less hacky but the information is not as strongly associated with the actual task from the user's point of view.

sirctseb commented 12 years ago

Simple Parameters e.g. An expiration time / function to determine how long a task can remain delayed before being killed. This could be specified in a plugin GUI and just put on the Scope input-link.