sirensolutions / siren-join

[This is the old, single node version for Elasticsearch 2.x, see the latest "Siren Federate" plugin for distributed Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.x capabilities]
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
183 stars 60 forks source link

Submit a patch to ES to open MultiSearchResponse and simplify implementation of CoordinateMultiSearchResponse #1

Open rendel opened 9 years ago

rendel commented 9 years ago

MultiSearchResponse and MultiSearchResponse#Item have private constructors and variables, making it difficult to extend these two classes. As a work around, we have copy-pasted most of the internal code to replicate their behaviour while being able to extend them. This makes the code more complex and difficult to maintain. The solution would be to propose a patch to the ES community so that MultiSearchResponse becomes extensible by subclassing.