siri-07 / AppliedSDLC_TEAM_6

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multiple user names should be added #6

Closed piyushbobade closed 2 years ago

piyushbobade commented 2 years ago

multiple user should be added in the login page

allagaddanandini commented 2 years ago

updated the code which can be access by the multiple users

allagaddanandini commented 2 years ago

def fitnessTracker(): login = True while login: with open('C:\Users\RAKESH REDDY\PycharmProjects\PROJECT\info.txt') as f: username = input('Username: ') for line in f: if username in line: password = input('Enter password: ') if password in line: print('Welcome') login = False

if (login == False):
    flag = 1;
    while (flag == 1):
        print('Welcome to Fitness Tracker')
        print('Track yourself on the basis of:')
        print('Please select the option by entering serial number')
        serialNumber = int(input())
        if (serialNumber == 1):
        if (serialNumber == 2):
        if (serialNumber == 3):
        if (serialNumber == 4):
        if (serialNumber == 5):
        flag = int(input('Want to continue , enter 1 for yes and 0 for No'))
    print('Thanks for using fitness tracker')

def getTime(type): did = input('Did you do ' + type + '? (yes/no): ') if did.lower() == 'no': return 0 else: time = float(input('Enter how long you did ' + type + '? (mins): ')) return time

def main(): totalTime = [0, 0, 0] types = ['yoga', 'cardio', 'meditation'] days = input("enter your day :")

for type in types:
    time = getTime(type)
    if type == 'yoga':
        totalTime[0] += time
    elif type == 'cardio':
        totalTime[1] += time
        totalTime[2] += time

if sum(totalTime) >= 3 * 20 * 1:
    print('Your fitness score is 5 on scale of 5.0')
elif sum(totalTime) >= 3 * 20 * 1 * 0.8:
    print('Your fitness score is 4 on scale of 5.0')
elif sum(totalTime) >= 3 * 20 * 1 * 0.6:
    print('Your fitness score is 3 on scale of 5.0')
elif sum(totalTime) >= 3 * 20 * 1 * 0.4:
    print('Your fitness score is 2 on scale of 5.0')
    print('Your fitness score is 1 on scale of 5.0')

def BMI(): the_height = float(input("Enter the height in cm: ")) the_weight = float(input("Enter the weight in kg: ")) the_BMI = the_weight / (the_height / 100) ** 2 if the_BMI < 18.5: print("Your Body Mass Index is", the_BMI) print('Underweight') if the_BMI >= 18.5 and the_BMI < 25: print("Your Body Mass Index is", the_BMI) print("Normal") if the_BMI >= 25 and the_BMI < 30: print("Your Body Mass Index is", the_BMI) print('Overweight') if the_BMI >= 30: print("Your Body Mass Index is", the_BMI) print('Obesity')

def waterIntake(): the_weight = float(input("Enter the weight in kg: ")) age = int(input("Enter the age: ")) the_weight = the_weight 2.20462 if (age < 30): water_intake = the_weight 40 elif (age >= 30 and age < 55): water_intake = the_weight 35 elif (age >= 55): water_intake = the_weight 30

water_intake = water_intake / 28.3
water_intake = water_intake * 0.0295735
print('The water required for you will be : ', water_intake)

def BMR(): the_height = float(input("Enter the height in cm: ")) the_weight = float(input("Enter the weight in kg: ")) age = int(input("Enter the age: ")) gender = input('Enter gender (M/F)') if (gender == 'M'): bMR = 66 + (6.2 the_weight) + (12.7 the_height) - (6.76 age) else: bMR = 655.1 + (4.35 the_weight) + (4.7 the_height) - (4.7 age) print('BMR calculated is: ', bMR) return bMR

def approxCalorieBurned(): value = BMR() print('1.little to no exercise') print('2.light exercise 1–3 days a week') print('3.moderate exercise 3–5 days a week') print('4.exercises hard 6–7 days a week') print('5.extra active person ') exercise = int(input('Select your activity level:')) if (exercise == 1): print('Calorie need to burn for maintaining weight :', value 1.2) if (exercise == 2): print('Calorie need to burn for maintaining weight :', value 1.37) if (exercise == 3): print('Calorie need to burn for maintaining weight :', value 1.55) if (exercise == 4): print('Calorie need to burn for maintaining weight :', value 1.725) if (exercise == 5): print('Calorie need to burn for maintaining weight :', value * 1.9)


fitnessTracker() info.txt