siriobelli / flame

Flame data reduction pipeline
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stack_sky files #10

Closed tomjf closed 7 years ago

tomjf commented 7 years ago

Maybe I am misinterpreting but I would have expected the stack_sky files to be purely the model from the Kelson+03 method (i.e. the stack of rectified skymodel files). Instead they look the same as the _stack files in the output folder?

Maybe not a bug?

siriobelli commented 7 years ago

Kind of a bug. The way it is implemented now makes sense when the AB dithering is used, so that the stack of A+B contains basically just the sky. But we should implement the "correct" way that you describe.

siriobelli commented 7 years ago

Now the stacked sky frames are derived from the sky model, which is the correct way.