sirius-ms / sirius

SIRIUS is a software for discovering a landscape of de-novo identification of metabolites using tandem mass spectrometry. This repository contains the code of the SIRIUS Software (GUI and CLI)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Sirius 6: Unable to Load ILP Solver #162

Closed AsetMuratuly closed 2 weeks ago

AsetMuratuly commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Sirius team!

I am encountering an issue with Sirius 6 where the software cannot load a valid TreeBuilder due to missing ILP solvers. The error message received is as follows:

Could not load a valid TreeBuilder (ILP solvers), tried '[CLP, GUROBI, CPLEX]'. You can switch to heuristic tree computation only to compute results without the need of an ILP Solver.

Installed by unzipped the sirius into home folder on Linux, adding the bin into PATH variable. After importing a test .mgf file, unable to compute due to this issue. I have CLP installed in a conda environment. Tried to specify solver path in the software settings but could not find an option for this.

which clp returns ~/miniforge3/bin/clp

I'm operating on Ubuntu 24.04


Please, let me know what could be the issue

AsetMuratuly commented 2 weeks ago

made it work by using the cbc, installed using the system package manager instead of conda