sirius-ms / sirius

SIRIUS is a software for discovering a landscape of de-novo identification of metabolites using tandem mass spectrometry. This repository contains the code of the SIRIUS Software (GUI and CLI)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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No database matches when running CSI finger ID #164

Open vdiazri opened 2 weeks ago

vdiazri commented 2 weeks ago


I am not sure whether I am doig something wrong, so I am reaching out to get some guidance.

I am trying to check if I have any additional database matches on a dataset I already ran on the GNPS, for this prupose I am using sirius 6.0.0, checked the connection settings and seem to be working fine and as an input, the same .mgf file I used for the molecular networks I have. After importing my .mgf, I ran the SIRIUS-Molecular formula identificarion, CSI finger ID-fingerprint prediction and CSI finger ID -Structure database search but when checking my resluts tabs, I see computations for the formula identification modules and no matches on the database search tabs.

When I realised this, I included the GNPS database (where I know I have matches) and recomputed the tasks but still have no matches against the libraries in sirius.

Is there any chance I am doing anything wrong? If any of you could give me some guidance, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please see the sirius project +mgf files attached.