sirjuddington / SLADE

It's a Doom editor
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Wad Problems with letters from different alphabets #1589

Open Jo2ukegappy opened 8 months ago

Jo2ukegappy commented 8 months ago

SLADE Version: (3.2.4) Operating System: Windows 10

Issue Details: File not opening and returning weird errors. Video of the issue happening (1:05):

Issue has been fixed by renaming the file, as the original user has a japanese keyboard and system configurations. I'm reporting it so that someone in charge can say whether there is some sort of bug or something that needs fixing. Link to WAD with the error:

A similar issue has happened recently where a user posted a map with cyrilic letters by mistake and many source ports were not working as intended because of it. GZDoom's maintainer Graf Zhal saw it and corrected it on his port. This error might also happen to that wad, although I haven't tried to test slade with it.

Link to said wad: Link to backup just in case: Link to Thread:

ViolentBeetle commented 8 months ago

I have logged in specifically to report an issue likely related to it. An attempt to import images that have path with a Greek letter in it using Ctrl+Shift+I (Can't seem to find name of the function in the menu, but it imports a new lump) fails entirely and does nothing. Dragging and dropping images produces lumps named "*" and of "Unknown" type.

Jo2ukegappy commented 8 months ago

I have logged in specifically to report an issue likely related to it. An attempt to import images that have path with a Greek letter in it using Ctrl+Shift+I (Can't seem to find name of the function in the menu, but it imports a new lump) fails entirely and does nothing. Dragging and dropping images produces lumps named "*" and of "Unknown" type.

So it's definitely some sort of bug with the letters. I think you should also post your wad for analysis here. Hope someone responsible for SLADE sees this.

ViolentBeetle commented 8 months ago

I think you should also post your wad for analysis here.

I didn't save the wad, as I solved the problem by renaming the folder and moving on. I can definitely recreate the issue, but don't think there's much point, since the problem isn't really in a wad, but in my folder structure.