sirjuddington / SLADE

It's a Doom editor
GNU General Public License v2.0
686 stars 104 forks source link

CMake cleanup and fixes #1644

Closed SteelT1 closed 6 months ago

SteelT1 commented 6 months ago
Pedro-Beirao commented 6 months ago

To add to this, any reason BUILD_PK3 is not ON by default?

sirjuddington commented 6 months ago

I turned it off by default as I was getting sick of it rebuilding the entire pk3 every time I built SLADE during development (since I'm using cmake in windows now instead of the VS project/solution). It could probably be turned on by default if there was a way to have it only rebuild the pk3 if any files changed in dist/res but I'm not sure if that's possible

Wohlstand commented 6 months ago

You may want to set the tree of files as dependencies, and have the pk3 build to be a target with pk3 file as a byproduct. I have in my projects a similar thing but with different purposes, but sense is same: source a pile of files and final file as a result of process.