Open preete126 opened 2 months ago
{ "totalAmountDonated": 500, "donations": [ { "_id": "66c5096d826f9546955d189b", "user": "66c039670212e06657714945", "campaign": { "_id": "66c5094d826f9546955d1897", "title": "Support Our New Library11" }, "amount": 100, "date": "2024-08-20T21:23:57.450Z", "v": 0 }, { "_id": "66c50986826f9546955d18a0", "user": "66c039670212e06657714945", "campaign": { "_id": "66c5094d826f9546955d1897", "title": "Support Our New Library11" }, "amount": 150, "date": "2024-08-20T21:24:22.848Z", "v": 0 }, { "_id": "66c50993826f9546955d18a5", "user": "66c039670212e06657714945", "campaign": { "_id": "66c5094d826f9546955d1897", "title": "Support Our New Library11" }, "amount": 250, "date": "2024-08-20T21:24:35.698Z", "__v": 0 } ] }...............kindly confirm this /api/donations/user by user /api/donations/campaign/:campaign by champaign
The API response for fetching campaign donations does not include the amount_raised field. Please include the amount_raised field in the response for better tracking. If an alternative field provides this information, kindly specify it in the documentation.