sirnails / BloomQuote

Quote management app for a florist
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Feature Suggestion: Archive Quotes with Visibility Toggle #28

Open sirnails opened 3 months ago

sirnails commented 3 months ago

Feature Description:

Ability to Archive Quotes


To provide users with the ability to archive quotes that are no longer actively in use, without permanently deleting them. This feature ensures that quotes can be hidden from the main view while still being accessible if needed.


To enhance quote management by allowing users to keep their active quotes list uncluttered while maintaining a record of all quotes, including those that are completed or no longer relevant.

User Story:

As a florist using BloomQuote, I want to archive quotes that are no longer needed for active reference so that I can keep my active quotes list clean and easily manageable. I also want the ability to switch the visibility of archived quotes on and off to review past quotes when necessary.


Detailed Requirements:

  1. Archive Functionality:

    • Provide an option to archive a quote from the quote details view.
    • Add an "Archive" button in the quote management interface.
    • Move archived quotes to a separate archived quotes section.
  2. Visibility Toggle:

    • Implement a switch or checkbox to show/hide archived quotes in the quote list.
    • Ensure the toggle state is saved per user session or user preference.
  3. UI/UX Adjustments:

    • Clearly distinguish archived quotes from active quotes (e.g., different color or icon).
    • Ensure archived quotes are searchable and accessible through the search function.

Here is an example Bootstrap toggle switch:

<div class="form-check form-switch">
  <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="flexSwitchCheckDefault">
  <label class="form-check-label" for="flexSwitchCheckDefault">Show Archived Quotes</label>

Acceptance Criteria:




Medium - This feature enhances usability and helps users maintain better organization within the application.


Implementing the ability to archive quotes and toggle their visibility will significantly improve the user experience for florists using BloomQuote. It will allow them to manage their quotes more effectively, keeping their workspace clean and focused while preserving access to all historical data.