Closed jhmatthews closed 11 years ago
pf file:
Wind_type(0=SV,1=Sphere,2=Previous,3=Proga,4=Corona,5=knigge,6=thierry,7=yso,8=elvis,9=shell) 0
Atomic_data atomic/standard39
photons_per_cycle 100000
Ionization_cycles 20
spectrum_cycles 10
Coord.system(0=spherical,1=cylindrical,2=spherical_polar,3=cyl_var) 1 30 30
Wind_ionization(,1=LTE,2=fixed,3=recalc_bb,5=recalc_pow,6=pairwise_bb,7=pairwise_pow) 3
Line_transfer(0=pure.abs,1=pure.scat,2=sing.scat,3=escape.prob,6=macro_atoms,7=macro_atoms+aniso.scattering) 3
System_type(0=star+disk,1=star+disk+secondary,2=agn) 0
Star_radiation(y=1) 1
Disk_radiation(y=1) 1
Boundary_layer_radiation(y=1) 0
Wind_radiation(y=1) 1
Rad_type_for_star(0=bb,1=models)_to_make_wind 0
Rad_type_for_disk(0=bb,1=models)_to_make_wind 0
Rad_type_for_bl(0=bb,1=models)_to_make_wind 0
Overall_system_type(0=single_object,1=binary) 0
mstar(msol) 0.8
rstar(cm) 7e+08
tstar 40000
disk.type(0=no.disk,1=standard.flat.disk,2=vertically.extended.disk) 1
disk.mdot(msol/yr) 1e-08
Disk.illumination.treatment(0=no.rerad,1=high.albedo,2=thermalized.rerad,3=analytic) 0
Disk.temperature.profile(0=standard;1=readin) 0
disk.radmax(cm) 2.4e+10
lum_bl 0
t_bl 10000
Torus(0=no,1=yes) 0
wind.radmax(cm) 1e+12
wind.t.init 40000
wind.mdot(msol/yr) 1e-09
sv.diskmin(wd_rad) 4
sv.diskmax(wd_rad) 12
sv.thetamin(deg) 20
sv.thetamax(deg) 65
sv.mdot_r_exponent 0
sv.v_infinity(in_units_of_vescape 3
sv.acceleration_length(cm) 7e+10
sv.acceleration_exponent 1.5
Rad_type_for_star()_in_final_spectrum 0
Rad_type_for_disk(0=bb,1=models,2=uniform)_in_final_spectrum 0
spectrum_wavemin 850
spectrum_wavemax 1850
no_observers 5
angle(0=pole) 10
angle(0=pole) 27.5
angle(0=pole) 45
angle(0=pole) 62.5
angle(0=pole) 80
phase(0=inferior_conjunction) 0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction) 0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction) 0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction) 0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction) 0.5
live.or.die(0).or.extract(anything_else) 1
Select_specific_no_of_scatters_in_spectra(y/n) n
Select_photons_by_position(y/n) n
spec.type(flambda(1),fnu(2),basic(other) 1
Extra.diagnostics(0=no) 0 1
Photon.sampling.approach(0=T,1=(f1,f2),2=cv,3=yso,4=user_defined) 2
I assume you mean the relatively small difference below 912 A in the continuum. This indicates a slight change in the amount of neutral H. I've seen similar things in the past, and indeed this might be associated with the free-free fix for which you saw less emission. I am not concerned about this.
Knox S. Long Space Telescope Science Institute
Ok, great, issue closed and release imminent.
I'm just regression testing a release and wanted to flag something up as potentiallyproblematic before I release it. I was plotting a CV model, and comparing it to 74b4, which was when I carried out a pretty rigorous regression test. 76b is in green and 74b4 in blue.
The thing I was concerned about was the difference beyond the lyman edge and if we understand why there is a difference here- I couldn't spot anything specific in what ahs changed over the versions
Should I be worrying about this? Or can I go ahead and make a 76b release which will then be used as our testing baseline?
These were run with identical pf files and the only difference was that sv76b was run in parallel. I will do a non parallel run to check if that is the problem.