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virter vm cp not working #1397

Closed bashfulrobot closed 1 year ago

bashfulrobot commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

λ virter vm cp --help
Copy files and directories from and to VM

  virter vm cp [HOST:]SRC... [HOST:]DEST [flags]

  -h, --help   help for cp

Global Flags:
      --config string      config file (default is /home/dustin/.config/virter/virter.toml)
      --logformat string   Log format, current options: short (default "default")
  -l, --loglevel string    Log level, default may be set with environment variable "VIRTER_LOG_LEVEL" (default "info")

So looking at this help output, I assume it is VM to VM copying.

So I tried:

λ virter vm cp r1:~/config.yaml r2:/root
FATA[0000] error executing rsync: exit status 1


λ virter vm cp r1:/root/config.yaml r2:/root
FATA[0000] error executing rsync: exit status 1

The file exists, so I am not sure what I am missing here, and I could not find anything on your page.

Thank you.

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

Wrong repo?

bashfulrobot commented 1 year ago

OMG. I am such an idiot. The project I was going to open the issue on uses logrus, and I was checking the valid levels over here.

My bad.

Thank you.