sisong / HDiffPatch

a C\C++ library and command-line tools for Diff & Patch between binary files or directories(folder); cross-platform; runs fast; create small delta/differential; support large files and limit memory requires when diff & patch.
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Missing tag `-info` in `hdiffz` v4.6.8 #370

Closed TENX-S closed 8 months ago

TENX-S commented 8 months ago
$ hdiffz -info DIFF_FILE
-h (or -?)
      output usage info.
options -? ERROR!


$ hidffz -h
HDiffPatch::hdiffz v4.6.8

diff    usage: hdiffz [options] oldPath newPath outDiffFile
test    usage: hdiffz    -t     oldPath newPath testDiffFile
resave  usage: hdiffz [-c-...]  diffFile outDiffFile
get  manifest: hdiffz [-g#...] [-C-checksumType] inputPath -M#outManifestTxtFile
manifest diff: hdiffz [options] -M-old#oldManifestFile -M-new#newManifestFile
                      oldPath newPath outDiffFile
  oldPath newPath inputPath can be file or directory(folder),
  oldPath can empty, and input parameter ""
memory options:
      DEFAULT; all file load into Memory; best diffFileSize;
      requires (newFileSize+ oldFileSize*5(or *9 when oldFileSize>=2GB))+O(1)
        bytes of memory;
      matchScore>=0, DEFAULT -m-6, recommended bin: 0--4 text: 4--9 etc...
      all file load as Stream; fast;
      requires O(oldFileSize*16/matchBlockSize+matchBlockSize*5*parallelThreadNumber)bytes of memory;
      matchBlockSize>=4, DEFAULT -s-64, recommended 16,32,48,1k,64k,1m etc...
special options:
      must run with -m;
      set block match befor slow byte-by-byte match, DEFAULT -block-4k;
      if set -block-0, means don't use block match;
      fastMatchBlockSize>=4, recommended 256,1k,64k,1m etc...
      if newData similar to oldData then diff speed++ & diff memory--,
      but small possibility outDiffFile's size+
      must run with -m;
      set is use a big cache for slow match, DEFAULT false;
      if newData not similar to oldData then diff speed++,
      big cache max used O(oldFileSize) memory, and build slow(diff speed--)
      create single compressed diffData, only need one decompress buffer
      when patch, and support step by step patching when step by step downloading!
      stepSize>=(1024*4), DEFAULT -SD-256k, recommended 64k,2m etc...
      create diffFile compatible with bsdiff4, unsupport input directory(folder).
      create diffFile compatible with VCDIFF, unsupport input directory(folder).
      DEFAULT no compress, out format same as $open-vcdiff ... or $xdelta3 -S -e -n ...
      if set compressLevel, out format same as $xdelta3 -S lzma -e -n ...
      compress by 7zXZ(xz), compressLevel in {0..9}, DEFAULT level 7;
      dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 16m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
      support compress by multi-thread parallel.
      NOTE: out diffFile used large source window size!
      if parallelThreadNumber>1 then open multi-thread Parallel mode;
      DEFAULT -p-4; requires more memory!
      must run with -s[-matchBlockSize];
      DEFAULT searchThreadNumber same as parallelThreadNumber;
      but multi-thread search need frequent random disk reads when matchBlockSize
      is small, so some times multi-thread maybe much slower than single-thread!
      if (searchThreadNumber<=1) then to close multi-thread search mode.
      set outDiffFile Compress type, DEFAULT uncompress;
      for resave diffFile,recompress diffFile to outDiffFile by new set;
      support compress type & level & dict:
        -c-zlib[-{1..9}[-dictBits]]     DEFAULT level 9
            dictBits can 9--15, DEFAULT 15.
            support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
        -c-bzip2[-{1..9}]               (or -bz2) DEFAULT level 9
        -c-pbzip2[-{1..9}]              (or -pbz2) DEFAULT level 8
            support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
            WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-bzip2!
               and code size may be larger than if it compressed by -c-bzip2.
        -c-lzma[-{0..9}[-dictSize]]     DEFAULT level 7
            dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 128m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
            support run by 2-thread parallel.
        -c-lzma2[-{0..9}[-dictSize]]    DEFAULT level 7
            dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 128m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
            support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
            WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-lzma!
        -c-zstd[-{0..22}[-dictBits]]    DEFAULT level 20
            dictBits can 10--30, DEFAULT 23.
            support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
      set outDiffFile Checksum type for directory diff, DEFAULT -C-fadler64;
      support checksum type:
        -C-no                   no checksum
        -C-fadler64             DEFAULT
      limit Number of open files at same time when stream directory diff;
      maxOpenFileNumber>=8, DEFAULT -n-48, the best limit value by different
        operating system.
      set iGnore path list when Directory Diff; ignore path list such as:
      # means separator between names; (if char # in name, need write #: )
      * means can match any chars in name; (if char * in name, need write *: );
      / at the end of name means must match directory;
      set iGnore path list in oldPath when Directory Diff;
      if oldFile can be changed, need add it in old ignore list;
      set iGnore path list in newPath when Directory Diff;
      in general, new ignore list should is empty;
      create a Manifest file for inputPath; it is a text file, saved infos of
      all files and directoriy list in inputPath; this file while be used in 
      manifest diff, support re-checksum data by manifest diff;
      can be used to protect historical versions be modified!
      oldManifestFile is created from oldPath; if no oldPath not need -M-old;
      newManifestFile is created from newPath;
  -D  force run Directory diff between two files; DEFAULT (no -D) run 
      directory diff need oldPath or newPath is directory.
  -d  Diff only, do't run patch check, DEFAULT run patch check.
  -t  Test only, run patch check, patch(oldPath,testDiffFile)==newPath ? 
  -f  Force overwrite, ignore write path already exists;
      DEFAULT (no -f) not overwrite and then return error;
      if used -f and write path is exist directory, will always return error.
      swap to hpatchz mode.
  -v  output Version info.
  -h (or -?)
      output usage info.
TENX-S commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I didn't see the CHANGELOG for v4.6.9