sissbruecker / linkding

Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.
MIT License
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Do not create multiple queued tasks for snapshots #673

Closed mpraeger closed 2 months ago

mpraeger commented 3 months ago

After installing the latest-plus docker image and queuing a couple of snapshots I've noticed that clicking on "Create HTML snapshot" multiple times will result in multiple snapshots being queued:


That's probably not what what one wants in this case; a check should be made and no further tasks should be queued when an existing one is found for this bookmark.

sissbruecker commented 3 months ago

Sounds reasonable. It should be possible to keep multiple snapshots in general, but you're right that queuing multiple of them doesn't make sense.

One thing I definitely want to add is that the UI updates when the snapshot is done. I have a hunch it could be confusing at the moment if people sit there and wait for it to complete even though the UI doesn't even support that.