If you have a high test coverage index, and your tests for this pull request are passing, it should be both safe and recommended to merge this update.
Updated packages
Some times an update also needs new or updated dependencies to be installed. Even if this branch is for updating one dependency, it might contain other installs or updates. All of the updates in this branch can be found here:
composer/semver: 3.4.0 (updated from 3.3.2)
ezyang/htmlpurifier: v4.17.0 (updated from v4.16.0)
maatwebsite/excel: 3.1.55 (updated from 3.1.48)
nikic/php-parser: v4.19.1 (updated from v4.15.4)
psr/http-client: 1.0.3 (updated from 1.0.2)
psr/http-factory: 1.1.0 (updated from 1.0.2)
symfony/console: v6.4.9 (updated from v6.2.8)
symfony/deprecation-contracts: v3.5.0 (updated from v3.2.1)
symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts: v3.5.0 (updated from v3.2.1)
symfony/polyfill-ctype: v1.30.0 (updated from v1.27.0)
symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme: v1.30.0 (updated from v1.27.0)
symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer: v1.30.0 (updated from v1.27.0)
symfony/polyfill-mbstring: v1.30.0 (updated from v1.27.0)
symfony/polyfill-php80: v1.30.0 (updated from v1.27.0)
symfony/service-contracts: v3.5.0 (updated from v3.2.1)
symfony/string: v6.4.9 (updated from v6.2.8)
symfony/translation-contracts: v3.5.0 (updated from v3.2.1)
doctrine/deprecations: 1.1.3 (updated from v1.0.0)
myclabs/deep-copy: 1.12.0 (updated from 1.11.1)
phar-io/manifest: 2.0.4 (updated from 2.0.3)
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock: 5.4.1 (updated from 5.3.0)
phpdocumentor/type-resolver: 1.8.2 (updated from 1.7.1)
phpstan/phpdoc-parser: 1.29.1 (updated from 1.20.1)
phpunit/php-code-coverage: 10.1.15 (updated from 10.1.1)
phpunit/php-file-iterator: 4.1.0 (updated from 4.0.1)
phpunit/php-text-template: 3.0.1 (updated from 3.0.0)
sebastian/cli-parser: 2.0.1 (updated from 2.0.0)
sebastian/comparator: 5.0.1 (updated from 5.0.0)
sebastian/complexity: 3.2.0 (updated from 3.0.0)
sebastian/diff: 5.1.1 (updated from 5.0.1)
sebastian/environment: 6.1.0 (updated from 6.0.1)
sebastian/exporter: 5.1.2 (updated from 5.0.0)
sebastian/global-state: 6.0.2 (updated from 6.0.0)
sebastian/lines-of-code: 2.0.2 (updated from 2.0.0)
theseer/tokenizer: 1.2.3 (updated from 1.2.1)
Release notes
Here are the release notes for all versions released between your current running version, and the version this PR updates the package to.
List of release notes
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.55](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.55)
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.54](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.54)
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.53](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.53)
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.52](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.52)
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.51](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.51)
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.50](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.50)
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.49](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.49)
Changed files
Here is a list of changed files between the version you use, and the version this pull request updates to:
2d3d102Add multiple sheet support to WithChunkReading (fix #3938) (#3941)
ec02ed6Deal with older phpspreadsheet versions for older php versions performing a different column formatting
04dc8e9Update tests to reflect changes in Phpspreadsheet 1.28
Working with this branch
If you find you need to update the codebase to be able to merge this branch (for example update some tests or rebuild some assets), please note that violinist will force push to this branch to keep it up to date. This means you should not work on this branch directly, since you might lose your work. Read more about branches created by violinist.io here.
This is an automated pull request from Violinist: Continuously and automatically monitor and update your composer dependencies. Have ideas on how to improve this message? All violinist messages are open-source, and can be improved here.
If you have a high test coverage index, and your tests for this pull request are passing, it should be both safe and recommended to merge this update.
Updated packages
Some times an update also needs new or updated dependencies to be installed. Even if this branch is for updating one dependency, it might contain other installs or updates. All of the updates in this branch can be found here:
Release notes
Here are the release notes for all versions released between your current running version, and the version this PR updates the package to.
List of release notes
- [Release notes for tag 3.1.55](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.55) - [Release notes for tag 3.1.54](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.54) - [Release notes for tag 3.1.53](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.53) - [Release notes for tag 3.1.52](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.52) - [Release notes for tag 3.1.51](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.51) - [Release notes for tag 3.1.50](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.50) - [Release notes for tag 3.1.49](https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/releases/tag/3.1.49)Changed files
Here is a list of changed files between the version you use, and the version this pull request updates to:
List of changed files
.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md .github/workflows/run-tests.yml .phpunit.cache/test-results CHANGELOG.md README.md composer.json config/excel.php phpunit.xml.dist src/Cache/BatchCache.php src/Cache/BatchCacheDeprecated.php src/Cache/CacheManager.php src/Cache/MemoryCache.php src/Cache/MemoryCacheDeprecated.php src/Cell.php src/ChunkReader.php src/Concerns/FromQuery.php src/Concerns/PersistRelations.php src/Concerns/RegistersEventListeners.php src/Concerns/WithMapping.php src/Events/AfterBatch.php src/Events/AfterChunk.php src/Events/AfterImport.php src/Events/AfterSheet.php src/Events/BeforeExport.php src/Events/BeforeImport.php src/Events/BeforeSheet.php src/Events/BeforeWriting.php src/Events/Event.php src/Excel.php src/ExcelServiceProvider.php src/Exceptions/NoSheetsFoundException.php src/Exporter.php src/Factories/WriterFactory.php src/Fakes/ExcelFake.php src/Files/LocalTemporaryFile.php src/Files/RemoteTemporaryFile.php src/Files/TemporaryFile.php src/Files/TemporaryFileFactory.php src/Imports/ModelImporter.php src/Imports/ModelManager.php src/Imports/Persistence/CascadePersistManager.php src/Jobs/AfterImportJob.php src/Jobs/AppendPaginatedToSheet.php src/Jobs/AppendQueryToSheet.php src/Jobs/ExtendedQueueable.php src/Jobs/QueueExport.php src/Jobs/ReadChunk.php src/MappedReader.php src/Middleware/CellMiddleware.php src/Middleware/ConvertEmptyCellValuesToNull.php src/Middleware/TrimCellValue.php src/Mixins/DownloadCollectionMixin.php src/Mixins/DownloadQueryMacro.php src/Mixins/ImportAsMacro.php src/Mixins/ImportMacro.php src/Mixins/StoreCollectionMixin.php src/Mixins/StoreQueryMacro.php src/QueuedWriter.php src/Reader.php src/Row.php src/Sheet.php src/Validators/RowValidator.php src/Writer.php tests/Cache/BatchCacheTest.php tests/CellTest.php tests/Concerns/ExportableTest.php tests/Concerns/FromArrayTest.php tests/Concerns/FromCollectionTest.php tests/Concerns/FromGeneratorTest.php tests/Concerns/FromIteratorTest.php tests/Concerns/FromQueryTest.php tests/Concerns/FromViewTest.php tests/Concerns/ImportableTest.php tests/Concerns/OnEachRowTest.php tests/Concerns/RegistersEventListenersTest.php tests/Concerns/RemembersChunkOffsetTest.php tests/Concerns/RemembersRowNumberTest.php tests/Concerns/ShouldQueueWithoutChainTest.php tests/Concerns/SkipsEmptyRowsTest.php tests/Concerns/SkipsOnErrorTest.php tests/Concerns/SkipsOnFailureTest.php tests/Concerns/ToArrayTest.php tests/Concerns/ToCollectionTest.php tests/Concerns/ToModelTest.php tests/Concerns/WithBackgroundColorTest.php tests/Concerns/WithBatchInsertsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithCalculatedFormulasTest.php tests/Concerns/WithChunkReadingTest.php tests/Concerns/WithColumnFormattingTest.php tests/Concerns/WithColumnLimitTest.php tests/Concerns/WithColumnWidthsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithConditionalSheetsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithCustomCsvSettingsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithCustomQuerySizeTest.php tests/Concerns/WithCustomStartCellTest.php tests/Concerns/WithCustomValueBinderTest.php tests/Concerns/WithDefaultStylesTest.php tests/Concerns/WithEventsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithFormatDataTest.php tests/Concerns/WithGroupedHeadingRowTest.php tests/Concerns/WithHeadingRowTest.php tests/Concerns/WithHeadingsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithLimitTest.php tests/Concerns/WithMappedCellsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithMappingTest.php tests/Concerns/WithMultipleSheetsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithPropertiesTest.php tests/Concerns/WithReadFilterTest.php tests/Concerns/WithStartRowTest.php tests/Concerns/WithStrictNullComparisonTest.php tests/Concerns/WithStylesTest.php tests/Concerns/WithTitleTest.php tests/Concerns/WithUpsertsTest.php tests/Concerns/WithValidationTest.php tests/Data/Disks/Local/.gitignore tests/Data/Disks/Local/import-middleware.xlsx tests/Data/Disks/Local/mapped-import.xlsx tests/Data/Disks/Local/skip-empty-rows-with-is-empty-when.xlsx tests/Data/Stubs/Database/Migrations/0000_00_00_000002_add_group_id_to_users_table.php tests/Data/Stubs/Database/User.php tests/Data/Stubs/EloquentLazyCollectionExport.php tests/Data/Stubs/EloquentLazyCollectionQueuedExport.php tests/Data/Stubs/ExportWithEventsChunks.php tests/Data/Stubs/FromUsersScoutExport.php tests/Data/Stubs/ImportWithEvents.php tests/Data/Stubs/ImportWithEventsChunksAndBatches.php tests/DelegatedMacroableTest.php tests/ExcelFakeTest.php tests/ExcelServiceProviderTest.php tests/ExcelTest.php tests/HeadingRowImportTest.php tests/Helpers/FileHelper.php tests/InteractsWithQueueTest.php tests/Mixins/DownloadCollectionTest.php tests/Mixins/DownloadQueryMacroTest.php tests/Mixins/ImportAsMacroTest.php tests/Mixins/ImportMacroTest.php tests/Mixins/StoreCollectionTest.php tests/Mixins/StoreQueryMacroTest.php tests/QueuedExportTest.php tests/QueuedImportTest.php tests/QueuedQueryExportTest.php tests/QueuedViewExportTest.php tests/TemporaryFileTest.phpChangelog
Here is a list of changes between the version you use, and the version this pull request updates to:
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Check if we can clear the output buffer before cleaning (fixes #4090 #4901)
Add passing test for situation in #4077
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Explicitly fail when file does not exist on import
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Also fix batch cache flush in older Laravel versions
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Flush output buffer before downloading to prevent some weird issues
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Detach cell parent when flushing cache to save memory
Update to actions/cache@v4
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Switch from annotations to prefix in unit tests to prepare for phpunit12 deprecations
Fix tests for L11
Update README.md
Allow Laravel 11
Use app() helper instead of resolve() for old Lumen versions
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Remove conflicting db transactions trait from macro tests
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Fix for L5.8
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Backport never released features: cascade persisting of belongs* relations and builder macros
Improve test for after chunk event for exports
Add AfterChunk event for chunked exports (#4037)
Fix excel fake
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Add string as fallback option to Excel so named params can be used with the facade
Apply fixes from StyleCI
More explicit error when sheets() method doesn't return any sheets
Reset middleware on each test
Resolve pipeline instance instead of using facade
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Add middleware for trimming/converting to null for cell values
Skip lazy collection tests if lazy collection does not exist in older laravel versions
Revert legacy factories install
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Write test for lazy collections without queue
Memory exhaust 1024M in queued export with FromQuery method (#4044)
Use regex lazy quantifier to match first occurrence in combined validation rules (#4049)
Fix mkdir recursive flag placement (#4054)
Laravel Scout support (#4032)
Fix mkdir exception (#4041)
check if local path is valid before writing (#4034)
Add configuration option to configure permissions of local temporary directory (and files) (#3767)
Allow nested Import with Mapped Cells (#4000)
Add generics to WithMapping (#4021)
Update composer OR in constraints to use newer double pipe (#4022)
[FIX] Temporary file creation on multi-server setups (#3876)
Allow setting default_ttl (#3980)
PHP8.3 (#4019)
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Fix serializing issue when using batch cache with file store (fixes #3973)
Add AfterBatch and AfterChunk event and refactor events (#3993)
Fix: Row::toArray() respecting end column (#3979)
fix: wait for all jobs to be completed before running AfterImportJob (#3992)
[3.x] Small code refactoring (#3982)
Respect isEmptyWhen when using OnEachRow (#3995)
Apply fixes from StyleCI
chore: add ability to set
ReadChunkqueue and connection from impor… (#4002)
Feature/is empty when in model importer (#3828)
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Add backoff property to
ReadChunkjob (#3931)
Apply fixes from StyleCI
Add multiple sheet support to WithChunkReading (fix #3938) (#3941)
Deal with older phpspreadsheet versions for older php versions performing a different column formatting
Update tests to reflect changes in Phpspreadsheet 1.28
Working with this branch
If you find you need to update the codebase to be able to merge this branch (for example update some tests or rebuild some assets), please note that violinist will force push to this branch to keep it up to date. This means you should not work on this branch directly, since you might lose your work. Read more about branches created by violinist.io here.
This is an automated pull request from Violinist: Continuously and automatically monitor and update your composer dependencies. Have ideas on how to improve this message? All violinist messages are open-source, and can be improved here.