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Installing johnny five with Windows Visual Studio 2012 #39

Open cbadal opened 10 years ago

cbadal commented 10 years ago

Hi Troy,

How do I install johnny five on Windows with Visual Studio Express 2012?


troyth commented 10 years ago

I found some information in this issue:

Try this first: get into your johnny-five-tutorial directory in the Windows command prompt, but instead of doing npm install, type the following:

npm install johnny-five -msvs_version=2012e

As I understand it, you need this extra parameter because Johnny-Five requires node-gyp. Check the node-gyp installation for Windows 7/8 here

Finally, you can see the version options here

Check out line 209.

Let me know how it goes!

troyth commented 10 years ago

@cbadal any luck?

cbadal commented 10 years ago

I followed your directions, but I am getting a timeout message when I try to connect to the board: "Please check that you've properly loaded StandardFirmata onto the Arduino." Any ideas?

standard firmata

troyth commented 10 years ago

download the Arduino IDE, open it, plug your Arduino into your laptop, then in the Arduino IDE, go to File > Examples > Firmata and click on StandardFirmata. Then, in the sketch that opens, click the upload button (an arrow). Once it uploads, you can quit the Arduino IDE and try running your app.js file again. Let me know!

cbadal commented 10 years ago

Hmm. Unfortunately, despite loading StandardFirmata, I'm still getting the same message. Not sure...why...

troyth commented 10 years ago

I'll look into it. For now you can skip this as your group is not using Johnny Five and we can sync up next class to try to trouble shoot.