The storyboard takes annoyingly long to compile - breaking it up into multiple files would help to only compile what has actually changed. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27432227/decreasing-story…
- [ ] login screen?
- [ ] register screen?
- [ ] initial screen
- [ ] loading screen
- [ ] menu screen (choosing one player vs two player)
Cool view! You should add support for storyboards by implementing initWithCoder:
how I can add a child menu view through storyboard
- Storyboard에서 세그(Segue)를 사용하는 이유는 무엇인가요?
- Storyboard 참조(Storyboard Reference)의 장점은 무엇인가요?
Is it possible to use this library on a current project that does not utilize the storyboard and everything is coded including tableviews and collection view and its corresponding custom cells.
How to support storyboard?
- [x] I make sure that there are no *existing issues* - open or closed in both [GitHub](https://github.com/InfinityLoop1308/PipePipe) and [CodeBerg](https://codeberg.org/NullPointerExce…
Per `@` oder so kann im Storyboard oder in sonstigen Puginfeldern Referenzen auf Entities gemacht werden. So kann zum Beispiel der Benutzende unter Programmpunkt als verantwortliche Personen hinzugefü…
why i haven't all widget like navigation or padding?
when i use pip, it will not install latest version probabli for incompatibility with latest version of flet
C:\Users\torto>pip install Flet_Sto…