Would there be (or is there already?) any way to lazy-load the matches and frequency lists, so that memory is only used when password strengths are actually checked? `derailed` shows the following ret…
I'm using devise with devise-jwt to provide back-end authentication for a Nuxt.js app. Login and logout work correctly over the API, but logout returns a 500 Internal Server Error even though the user…
- It should be able to add roles to the Authors
- We could use a gem for that, like:
- https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin
- https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin
- [x] Get activeadmin working
- [x] Add postgresql to production group
Maybe this is not an issue from the gem but I'd like your help cause I have been struggling with it some hours.
I'm using the gem on my activeadmin. It works perfectly when locally. When I click…
We need to install and set up ActiveAdmin. We should have a dashboard that shows the latest books added and the most used tags, at a minimum.
Hi, how can I integrate CKEditor for html field?
### FILE
require 'prawn'
require 'prawn/table'
ActiveAdmin.register Verification, as: 'KycReport' do
menu parent: 'Reports', label: 'Kyc Reports'
controller do
before_action :set_date_r…
### FILE
ActiveAdmin.register Doorkeeper::Application do
permit_params :name, :redirect_uri, :confidential, :scopes, :use
includes :owner
before_create do |application|
when using the `have_attribute_row` method with "USA/UAH" first argument we have
the wrong selector `tr.row.row-usa/uah> td` but ActiveAdmin generate
this selector `tr.row.row-usa_uah > td`