sitecrafting / conifer

:evergreen_tree: A powerful WordPress library plugin for OO development
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QueryBuilder #102

Closed acobster closed 4 years ago

acobster commented 5 years ago

Acceptance Criteria

As Conifer user, I want to be able to:

  1. create compound database clauses by passing their components to methods (e.g. $builder->and_clause('1=1', '2=2')
  2. build up a database query by composing these clauses

Example usage:

$searchTerms = ['dogs', 'cats'];
$builder = new Conifer\Query\QueryBuilder($wpdb);

  $builder->map_wildcards('post_title LIKE %s', $searchTerms),
  $builder->map_wildcards('post_excerpt LIKE %s', $searchTerms),
  $builder->map_wildcards('post_content LIKE %s', $searchTerms),
  // meta
      $builder->map_wildcards('meta_key LIKE %s', ['custom_field_%', 'extra_custom_field_%'])
      $builder->map_wildcards('meta_value LIKE %s', $searchTerms)

echo $builder->sql();

The above will output something like:

(post_title LIKE '%dogs%' OR post_title LIKE '%cats%')
OR (post_excerpt LIKE '%dogs%' OR post_execrpt LIKE '%cats%')
OR (post_content LIKE '%dogs%' OR post_content LIKE '%cats%')
OR (
  (meta_key LIKE 'custom_field_%' OR meta_key LIKE 'extra_custom_field_%')
  AND (meta_value LIKE '%cats%' OR meta_value LIKE '%dogs%')

QueryBuilder aims to...

  1. automate the mundane task of composing many SQL clauses together using standard operators (AND, OR, =, LIKE, etc.). In other words, it abstracts away tedious/error-prone string concatenation so you can focus on your query logic and the nesting of the clauses within them
  2. generate SQL clauses as strings in a predictable way

QueryBuilder does not...

  1. function as a fully-fledged ORM
  2. possess knowledge of database structure
  3. check SQL syntax
  4. execute queries
acobster commented 4 years ago

This is going to be an internal API. Too much complexity to expose and document.