sitegeist / fluid-components

Encapsulated frontend components with Fluid's ViewHelper syntax for TYPO3
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Option 'arguments' for translations #160

Open KPeschke opened 3 months ago

KPeschke commented 3 months ago

I'm missing the option to pass arguments for the translations (component parameter 'labels') of the Translate view helper .

Can you please add this to the translations? Thank you very much!

KPeschke commented 3 months ago

Oh, I have found a workaround. It is not necessary to adapt your code, but a note in the documentation would be great.

e.g. in your *.labels.xlf

<trans-unit id="your_label_name" xml:space="preserve">
  <source><![CDATA[%s item(s)]]></source>
  <target><![CDATA[%s Item(s)]]></target>

in your component

<fc:param optional="1" name="labels" type="Labels"/>

<f:variable name="your_label_name"><f:spaceless>
    <f:replace value="{labels.your_label_name}" search="%s" replace="{itemCount}"/>
s2b commented 1 month ago

Btw. there is also a format.printf ViewHelper you can use: