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Use variables to configure node index parameter in aliasByNode #3

Open gajus opened 7 years ago

gajus commented 7 years ago

At the moment, all the metric queries use hardcoded node index number to invokealiasByNode function, e.g.

aliasByNode(sitespeed_io.$path.summary.$group.$browser.$connectivity.browsertime.pageTimings.*.median, 8);

Here is an example in the code base,

This makes it very tedious to add new dimensions (e.g. such as this requirement

Consider using variables, e.g.

aliasByNode(sitespeed_io.$path.summary.$group.$browser.$connectivity.browsertime.pageTimings.*.median, $aliasNodeDepth);
gajus commented 7 years ago

Or even smarter approach would be to use a constant that defines a number of new dimensions after the default namespace, default being 1 and add this constant to whatever the metric depth is. Then if user adds a new depth to the data, user would only need to increment the former variable.