Open skgithubtest[bot] opened 1 month ago
The ToDo Application is a simple and efficient task management tool built using C#. It enables users to create, manage, and organize their tasks in a user-friendly interface. The application is designed with a focus on security, performance monitoring, and scalability, leveraging Azure services where applicable.
The architecture of the ToDo Application is organized into several components:
The application's codebase is organized into the following structure:
├── /Controllers # API controllers for handling requests
├── /Models # Data models and view models
├── /Views # Razor views for the frontend
├── /Data # Data context and migrations
├── /Services # Business logic and service layer
├── /wwwroot # Static files (CSS, JS, images)
├── /Configurations # Application settings and configurations
└── /Tests # Unit and integration tests
To run the ToDo Application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone <repository-url>
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd ToDoApp
Restore NuGet Packages:
dotnet restore
Apply Database Migrations:
dotnet ef database update
Run the Application:
dotnet run
Access the Application: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:5000
The ToDo Application provides a simple yet powerful way to manage tasks securely and efficiently. By leveraging Azure services, it ensures high performance, reliability, and security, making it an essential tool for task management. For further enhancements or contributions, please refer to the contribution guidelines in the repository.
I want to create a simple ToDo Application using C#