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DevLead.Plan chain for #192 #194

Open skgithubtest[bot] opened 3 hours ago

skgithubtest[bot] commented 3 hours ago

Provide an example of using a Staff App Catalog Group Method to list Staff member details in C#

skgithubtest[bot] commented 3 hours ago

{ "steps": [ { "step": "1", "description": "Set up the development environment and project structure.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Install .NET SDK", "description": "Download and install the latest .NET SDK on your development machine.", "prompt": "Write a script that downloads and installs the latest .NET SDK on a Windows machine." }, { "subtask": "Create a new C# project", "description": "Use the .NET CLI to create a new console application for the Staff App.", "prompt": "Write the command to create a new C# console application using .NET CLI." }, { "subtask": "Set up project dependencies", "description": "Add necessary NuGet packages for asynchronous programming and HTTP requests.", "prompt": "Write the command to add 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client' NuGet package to the C# project." } ] }, { "step": "2", "description": "Design the Staff model and data access layer.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Create Staff model class", "description": "Define the properties for the Staff model that will hold member details.", "prompt": "Write the C# code for a 'Staff' class with properties like Id, Name, Position, and Email." }, { "subtask": "Implement data access methods", "description": "Write methods to interact with the staff data source asynchronously.", "prompt": "Write the C# code for an asynchronous method that retrieves a list of Staff members from an API." } ] }, { "step": "3", "description": "Implement the asynchronous API call to fetch staff details.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Set up HttpClient", "description": "Configure HttpClient for making API requests to fetch staff member details.", "prompt": "Write the C# code to configure and instantiate an HttpClient for making API requests." }, { "subtask": "Write asynchronous method to call API", "description": "Create a method that calls the API endpoint to get staff details asynchronously.", "prompt": "Write the C# code for an asynchronous method that calls the staff API endpoint and returns the staff list." } ] }, { "step": "4", "description": "Create the main application logic to display staff member details.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Implement main program logic", "description": "Write the main method that will execute the application and display staff details.", "prompt": "Write the C# code for the Main method that calls the API method and prints staff member details." }, { "subtask": "Handle exceptions and logging", "description": "Add error handling and logging for the API call and data processing.", "prompt": "Write the C# code that implements try-catch for error handling and logs errors when fetching staff details." } ] }, { "step": "5", "description": "Test the application.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Write unit tests for asynchronous methods", "description": "Create unit tests to validate the functionality of API calls and data retrieval.", "prompt": "Write unit tests in C# for the asynchronous method that fetches staff details, using xUnit." }, { "subtask": "Run tests and validate results", "description": "Execute the tests and ensure that they pass successfully.", "prompt": "Write the command to run the unit tests for the C# project using the .NET CLI." } ] }, { "step": "6", "description": "Deploy the application.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Prepare for deployment", "description": "Create a deployment package for the application.", "prompt": "Write the command to publish the C# application for deployment using .NET CLI." }, { "subtask": "Deploy to server", "description": "Deploy the application to an Azure Web App or any hosting service.", "prompt": "Write the Azure CLI commands needed to deploy the published C# application to an Azure Web App." } ] } ] }