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DevLead.Plan chain for #195 #197

Open skgithubtest[bot] opened 2 hours ago

skgithubtest[bot] commented 2 hours ago

I want to create an Email Consent App using APIs from the Consent App Group using the C# language

skgithubtest[bot] commented 2 hours ago

{ "steps": [ { "step": "1", "description": "Define Application Requirements", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Gather Functional Requirements", "description": "Collect all the necessary functional requirements for the Email Consent App.", "prompt": "Write the code to create a document that lists the functional requirements for an Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Gather Non-Functional Requirements", "description": "Identify non-functional requirements such as performance, scalability, and security.", "prompt": "Write the code to create a document that lists the non-functional requirements for an Email Consent App." } ] }, { "step": "2", "description": "Select Technology Stack", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Choose Programming Language", "description": "Select C# as the primary programming language for development.", "prompt": "Write the code to set up a new C# project for the Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Choose Framework", "description": "Select ASP.NET Core for building the web application.", "prompt": "Write the code to create an ASP.NET Core web application for the Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Choose Database", "description": "Select Azure SQL Database to store user consent information.", "prompt": "Write the code to create an Azure SQL Database instance for the Email Consent App." } ] }, { "step": "3", "description": "Design Application Architecture", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Define Microservices", "description": "Design the application to be composed of microservices for scalability.", "prompt": "Write the code to define microservices architecture for the Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Design Database Schema", "description": "Create the database schema to store email consent data efficiently.", "prompt": "Write the code to define the database schema for an Azure SQL Database to store email consent data." } ] }, { "step": "4", "description": "Implement Asynchronous Processing", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Use Async/Await", "description": "Implement asynchronous programming using async/await in C# to improve efficiency.", "prompt": "Write the code to implement async/await pattern in C# for handling email consent requests." }, { "subtask": "Queueing Mechanism", "description": "Integrate Azure Queue Storage for handling asynchronous requests.", "prompt": "Write the code to set up Azure Queue Storage for the Email Consent App." } ] }, { "step": "5", "description": "Implement API Endpoints", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Create Consent API", "description": "Develop API endpoints to capture user consent information.", "prompt": "Write the code to create RESTful API endpoints for capturing user consent in ASP.NET Core." }, { "subtask": "Implement Throttling", "description": "Add advanced request throttling using Azure API Management.", "prompt": "Write the code to configure request throttling in Azure API Management for the Email Consent App." } ] }, { "step": "6", "description": "Testing and Validation", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Unit Testing", "description": "Create unit tests to ensure all functionalities work as expected.", "prompt": "Write the code to create unit tests for the API endpoints of the Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Integration Testing", "description": "Test the integration of microservices to ensure they communicate effectively.", "prompt": "Write the code to create integration tests for the microservices in the Email Consent App." } ] }, { "step": "7", "description": "Deploy Application", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Set Up CI/CD Pipeline", "description": "Create a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps for automated deployment.", "prompt": "Write the code to set up a CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps for the Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Monitor Application", "description": "Implement Application Insights for monitoring performance and errors.", "prompt": "Write the code to integrate Application Insights into the Email Consent App." } ] }, { "step": "8", "description": "Post-Deployment Review", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Gather Feedback", "description": "Collect user feedback to inform future improvements.", "prompt": "Write the code to create a feedback collection form for users of the Email Consent App." }, { "subtask": "Plan for Future Enhancements", "description": "Identify potential enhancements based on user feedback and performance metrics.", "prompt": "Write the code to create a document that lists potential future enhancements for the Email Consent App." } ] } ] }