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Retrieve staff details #202

Open sitestudio opened 2 hours ago

sitestudio commented 2 hours ago

Provide example in C# of calling function to retrieve a summary of staff details for a school who have given permission via the Consent Api Catalog

skgithubtest[bot] commented 2 hours ago

# Create a directory for the C# example code
mkdir -p SchoolStaffSummary

# Create the C# file for retrieving staff details
cat <<EOL > SchoolStaffSummary/StaffDetailsRetriever.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace SchoolStaffSummary
    public class StaffMember
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Position { get; set; }
        public bool HasConsent { get; set; }

    public class ConsentApiCatalog
        public List<StaffMember> GetStaffWithConsent()
            // Simulate retrieving staff details that have given consent
            List<StaffMember> staffMembers = new List<StaffMember>
                new StaffMember { Name = "Alice Johnson", Position = "Teacher", HasConsent = true },
                new StaffMember { Name = "Bob Smith", Position = "Administrator", HasConsent = true },
                new StaffMember { Name = "Charlie Brown", Position = "Janitor", HasConsent = false }

            // Filter staff members based on consent
            return staffMembers.FindAll(staff => staff.HasConsent);

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ConsentApiCatalog consentApiCatalog = new ConsentApiCatalog();

            // Call the function to retrieve staff details with consent
            List<StaffMember> staffWithConsent = consentApiCatalog.GetStaffWithConsent();

            // Output the staff details
            Console.WriteLine("Staff Members with Consent:");
            foreach (var staff in staffWithConsent)
                Console.WriteLine($"Name: {staff.Name}, Position: {staff.Position}");

# Create a README file to provide additional context
cat <<EOL > SchoolStaffSummary/
# School Staff Summary Example

This example demonstrates how to retrieve a summary of staff details for a school who have given permission via the Consent API Catalog.

## Code Overview

- `StaffMember`: A class representing a staff member.
- `ConsentApiCatalog`: A class that simulates retrieving staff details based on consent.
- `Program`: The main entry point that retrieves and displays staff members with consent.