sitzikbs / 3DmFV-Net

Point cloud classification in Real-time using 3DmFV representation and CNNs
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difference of probability computation per point between get_3DmFV in and get_3dmfv in #5

Open JR9124 opened 5 years ago

JR9124 commented 5 years ago

thinks for sharing you work In and, you have realized 3DmFV using numpy and tensorflow. However, I find there is a little different between them. In 292 to 294), you directly assigned:
w_p = p_per_point Q = w_p # enforcing the assumption that the sum is 1 Q_per_d = np.tile(np.expand_dims(Q, -1), [1, 1, 1, D]) while in 610 to 613), you did this: w_p = tf.multiply(p_per_point,batch_w) Q = w_p/tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(w_p, axis=-1), -1),[1, 1, n_gaussians]) Q_per_d = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(Q, -1), [1, 1, 1, D]) I think the two operations can achieve the same result as elements in batch_w are all the same value and both numerator and denominator of the following equation have the same w which can be eliminated, thus to enforce the assumption(line 610 and 612 in is not necessary. 20190608094333 However, after I use the following code to test (test data is car_130.txt from your 3DmFV-Tutorial-master), I get different results (by the above analysis, I think Q_per_d, Q_per_d0 and Q_per_d1 should equal to each other). ` n_gaussians = 8 variance = np.square(1.0/n_gaussians) gmm = utils.get_grid_gmm(subdivisions=[n_gaussians, n_gaussians, n_gaussians], variance=variance) points = utils.load_point_cloud_from_txt('car_130.txt') points = np.expand_dims(points, axis=0) import tensorflow as tf n_batches = points.shape[0] n_points = points.shape[1] ngaussians = gmm.means.shape[0] D = gmm.means_.shape[1]

# Expand dimension for batch compatibility
batch_sig = np.tile(np.expand_dims(gmm.covariances_, 0), [n_points, 1, 1])  # n_points X n_gaussians X D
batch_sig = np.tile(np.expand_dims(batch_sig, 0), [n_batches, 1, 1, 1])  # n_batches X n_points X n_gaussians X D
batch_mu = np.tile(np.expand_dims(gmm.means_, 0), [n_points, 1, 1])  # n_points X n_gaussians X D
batch_mu = np.tile(np.expand_dims(batch_mu, 0), [n_batches, 1, 1, 1])  # n_batches X n_points X n_gaussians X D
batch_w = np.tile(np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(gmm.weights_, 0), 0), [n_batches, n_points,
                                                            1])  # n_batches X n_points X n_guassians X D  - should check what happens when weights change
batch_points = np.tile(np.expand_dims(points, -2), [1, 1, n_gaussians,
                                                    1])  # n_batchesXn_pointsXn_gaussians_D  # Generating the number of points for each gaussian for separate computation
p_per_point1 = (1.0 / (np.power(2.0 * np.pi, D / 2.0) * np.power(batch_sig[:, :, :, 0], D))) * np.exp(
    -0.5 * np.sum(np.square((batch_points - batch_mu) / batch_sig), axis=3))
Q_per_d1 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(p_per_point1, -1), [1, 1, 1, D])

mvn = tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=batch_mu, scale_diag=batch_sig)
#Compute probability per point
p_per_point = mvn.prob(batch_points)# # n_batches X n_points X n_guassians*n_guassians*n_guassians
w_p = tf.multiply(p_per_point,batch_w)
Q = w_p/tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(w_p, axis=-1), -1),[1, 1, n_gaussians])
Q_per_d0 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(Q, -1), [1, 1, 1, D])
w_p = p_per_point
Q = w_p
Q_per_d = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(Q, -1), [1, 1, 1, D])
with tf.Session() as sess:
    p_per_point = p_per_point.eval()
    Q_per_d = Q_per_d.eval()
    Q_per_d0 = Q_per_d0.eval()
difp = p_per_point - p_per_point1
difQ_per_d = Q_per_d - Q_per_d1
difQ_per_d0 = Q_per_d - Q_per_d0
print(sum(sum(np.squeeze(difp, axis=0))))# -1.4404886240351694e-10
print(sum(sum(np.squeeze(difQ_per_d, axis=0))))# [-81559.81403891 -81559.81403891 -81559.81403891]
print(sum(sum(np.squeeze(difQ_per_d0, axis=0))))# [-1.44048862e-10 -1.44048862e-10 -1.44048862e-10]

` I think get_3dmfv in can help to get right 3DmFV, but after analysis, I haven't found wrong place in get_3DmFV( in ), so could you tell me the reason? thank you!

sitzikbs commented 5 years ago

I see you closed this, did you find the problem ? If not, let me know and I will look into it.

JR9124 commented 5 years ago

The sum of Q in get_3DmFV in is not equal to 1 while you enforce the sum of Q to be 1 in get_3dmfv in That's the reason. BTW, do you think is it effective of reshaping fv to be [batch_size, 20, resresres] instead of [batch_size, 20, res, res, res] and training by deep neural network? Thanks!

sitzikbs commented 5 years ago

It is my experience that it will not be as effective since you will lose the prior knowledge of the spatial connections. Regarding the sum to one. They should be the same. I will look into it and try to push a fix soon. (the numpy version was not used in the paper and was created just for visualization purposes).

JR9124 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your advice. I have tested the code by changing w_p = p_per_point Q = w_p # enforcing the assumption that the sum is 1 to w_p = np.multiply(p_per_point, batch_w) Q = w_p / np.tile(np.expand_dims(np.sum(w_p, axis=-1), -1), [1, 1, n_gaussians]) then, the results obtained by get_3DmFV in and get_3dmfv in are the same.