sivasamyk / graylog2-plugin-input-httpmonitor

HTTP Monitor plugin for graylog
MIT License
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HTTPS doesn't work #8

Closed ludekvodicka closed 7 years ago

ludekvodicka commented 7 years ago

I'm getting following error when trying https web (for example

Request failed Received fatal alert: internal_error

sivasamyk commented 7 years ago

@ludekvodicka I tried monitoring from my local graylog installation and it works fine. I am able to get the HTML response. Do you have any proxy server in between graylog & the web server? Can you let me know any other https endpoints where you are able to reproduce this issue?

ludekvodicka commented 7 years ago

There is no proxy between Graylog and web. Graylog is running inside the docker based on recommended image (graylog2/server:2.1.0-3).

It seems that any of our websites which using https:// through Cloudflare doesn't work (next example But other https sites work ok. Is there any detailed log to see better error message?

This is my complete testing configuration together with elastic and mongo, graylog login admin:admin

version: '2' services:

dum-graylog-mongo: container_name: dum-graylog-mongo image: "mongo:3" volumes:

sivasamyk commented 7 years ago

looks like this issue has something to with SNI ( Server Name Indication). Can you let me know the java version used to run graylog ( Java 7 or 8)? Meanwhile I will check if there is any fix possible.

ludekvodicka commented 7 years ago

I'm using prepared graylog docker image (graylog2/server:2.1.0-3) and this is java version:

root@e551f2a673f6:/usr/share/graylog# java -showversion
openjdk version "1.8.0_102"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-8u102-b14.1-1~bpo8+1-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)
sivasamyk commented 7 years ago

@ludekvodicka Can you please test with attached plugin and let me know if it works. (make sure you restart graylog server after replace the plugin jar). Please unzip the attachment.

ludekvodicka commented 7 years ago

Perfect, it works! -

Thank you

sivasamyk commented 7 years ago

👍 . I have upgraded async http client lib to latest version. will push the changes.