so iinstalled the pokemanki addon without any other addon installed i.e no conflicts but it doesn't work as even thogh i can see the pokemanki tab next to the toolbar and help when i go to the stat screen it says to name my deck and choose a pokemon but after doing that nothing happens and when i go to the stat scrreen there no difference and i don't have an egg. Also i want to say that when typing the name and choosing the pokemon my curser turn in to a blue circle that rotates and if i write a wrong deck name an error message appears. I would be grateful if you could solve this issue quickly as my motivation for doing anki is slowly dwindling.
so iinstalled the pokemanki addon without any other addon installed i.e no conflicts but it doesn't work as even thogh i can see the pokemanki tab next to the toolbar and help when i go to the stat screen it says to name my deck and choose a pokemon but after doing that nothing happens and when i go to the stat scrreen there no difference and i don't have an egg. Also i want to say that when typing the name and choosing the pokemon my curser turn in to a blue circle that rotates and if i write a wrong deck name an error message appears. I would be grateful if you could solve this issue quickly as my motivation for doing anki is slowly dwindling.