The code tries to update the user before it is created. leading to an error. This error is ignored, and only logged, so it works. but better to skip it and only do it when needed
@dundring/backend:dev: [db.updateStravaRefreshToken]: PrismaClientKnownRequestError:
@dundring/backend:dev: Invalid `prisma.stravaAuthentication.update()` invocation in
@dundring/backend:dev: /Users/mortenkolstad/dundring/apps/backend/src/db.ts:443:54
@dundring/backend:dev: 440 Status<StravaAuthentication, 'Something went wrong while writing to database'>
@dundring/backend:dev: 441 > => {
@dundring/backend:dev: 442 try {
@dundring/backend:dev: → 443 const result = await prisma.stravaAuthentication.update(
@dundring/backend:dev: An operation failed because it depends on one or more records that were required but not found. Record to update not found.
The code tries to update the user before it is created. leading to an error. This error is ignored, and only logged, so it works. but better to skip it and only do it when needed