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How to cancel Global Font Outline? #22

Closed VanDeAnna closed 5 years ago

VanDeAnna commented 5 years ago

I commented the ["Replace default game fonts"] = "Global Font Outline" and local fontBox = createToggleBox(gui, "reskinFont", L["Replace default game fonts"], appearance, 7) local fontSlider = CreateFrame("Slider", "AuroraOptionsfontSlider", gui, "OptionsSliderTemplate") fontSlider:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", fontBox, "BOTTOMLEFT", 20, -30) fontSlider:SetMinMaxValues(.5, 1) fontSlider:SetValueStep(0.1) AuroraOptionsfontSliderText:SetText(L["FontScale"]) AuroraOptionsfontSliderLow:SetText(.5) AuroraOptionsfontSliderHigh:SetText(1) local fontValue = fontSlider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlight") fontValue:SetPoint("TOP", fontSlider, "BOTTOM", 0, 4)

but it seems not working. The global font outline is way so heavy to me. Is there any way to reduce or cancel it?