six2dez / reconftw

reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
MIT License
5.48k stars 896 forks source link

Subjack replacement #145

Closed six2dez closed 3 years ago

six2dez commented 3 years ago

subzy and m4ll0k takeover

bileltechno commented 3 years ago
time takeover -d "xxxxxxxxxx/"  -o out1.txt

  C oo   ---------------
 _( ^)  |T|A|K|E|O|V|E|R|
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#> by M'hamed (@m4ll0k) Outaadi
[ + ] AWS/S3 service found! Potential domain takeover found! - xxxxxxxxxx/
[ i ] Domain: xxxxxxxxxx

real    0m0,846s
user    0m0,372s
sys     0m0,037s
:~/Workspace/pentesting/informationGathering/reconDev$ cat out1.txt 
Domain  : xxxxxxxxxx
Service : AWS/S3
Error   : The specified bucket does not exist
bileltechno commented 3 years ago
 time subzy --target xxxxxxxxxx --concurrency 4 --hide_fails
[ * ] Loaded 1 targets
[ No ] HTTPS by default (--https)
[ 4 ] Concurrent requests (--concurrency)
[ No ] Check target only if SSL is valid (--verify_ssl)
[ 10 ] HTTP request timeout (in seconds) (--timeout)
[ Yes ] Show only potentially vulnerable subdomains (--hide_fails)
🔥 Good luck 🔥 
[  VULNERABLE  ]  -  xxxxxxxxxx  [  AWS/S3  ] 
[  DOCUMENTATION  ]  -  Not available

real    0m0,738s
user    0m0,014s
sys     0m0,016s