six2dez / reconftw

reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
MIT License
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Issue for tracking some Discord topics #821

Open six2dez opened 5 months ago

six2dez commented 5 months ago
kleozzy commented 5 months ago

Origin ip flow: discover origin ip for domains and subs there are a bunch of tools that do this but I think reconftw already does this, not sure how well though. So the idea is to match ips to subdomains and append dicovered paths/uris from subs to origin ips. Then run vuln scan on the ip based urls bypassing wafs and maybe other security restrictions. Can be also dont for fuzzing. Fuzz the origin ip as well.

Add Fuzzing paths to the main url list : Do we append discovered paths from fuzzing to the urls for further processing? For example for running them through gf and other tools and eventually end up with more targets for vuln testing. If not, we should append 200 hits on fuzzing in the url list from crawling and other sources and then proceed with the rest.

Verbose mode: A flag that will show the full output from each tool while they run so you can troubleshoot and find issues and tools that stuck . Also good to check on why some tools take to long and be able to see the progress of them.

kleozzy commented 5 months ago

Another nice tool for when Jira is detected :

kleozzy commented 5 months ago

Maybe also have a look into brokenlinks, from what ive checked the current tool provides broken links only within the target scope , domain/subdomain but it doesnt detect thirdparty broken links which are good to find takeovers on and takeover broken links .

Maybe use another tool that can do that or adjust the flags.

kleozzy commented 5 months ago

Another workflow for IIS : Detect IIS servers , using nuclei or any other tool then run them against for detecting diretories and file names for further exploitation.