sixeyed / diamol

Code samples for the book "Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches"
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ch20 20.1 nginx fails with error: failed to create endpoint nginx_nginx_1 #36

Open khtan opened 3 years ago

khtan commented 3 years ago

My machine versions are : Windows 10 2004 Docker version 20.10.6, build 370c289 Docker Desktop 3.3.3(64133) Engine: 20.10.6 Compose: 1.29.1 Kubernetes: V1.19.7 Notary: 0.6.1 Credential Helper: 0.6.3 Snyk: V1.563.0

When I run the nginx command in the textbook on page 382, I get an error about a file being used by another process. Has anyone encountered such a problem or have an idea what I need to do to debug this? Hope author or others have some ideas. Thanks in advance!

*Transcript: c:\cprojects\pp\virtualization\docker\diamol\ch20\exercises>docker compose -f nginx/docker-compose.yml -f nginx/override-windows.yml up -d level=warning msg="network ch20: is deprecated in favor of" Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from diamol/nginx 4612f6d0b889: Already exists 5ff1512f88ec: Pull complete 53827b8ef2ca: Pull complete 919e454d7dff: Pull complete bb2544076393: Pull complete 4a30b358789a: Pull complete 02e00b4e4cb8: Pull complete d4c738b4adc5: Pull complete 7bf34cbd7081: Pull complete 9cd040ec28f9: Pull complete Digest: sha256:be0922c76459fd53501de949ef056e0fa7601de5b2e8f593cd3e0abe5c62b1cb Status: Downloaded newer image for diamol/nginx:latest [+] Running 1/2

khtan commented 3 years ago

I have a laptop that has the same above versions and was able to run "docker compose -f nginx/docker-compose.yml -f nginx/override-windows.yml up -d" without any errors. This tells me that somehow my desktop has a problem with Docker. I have already tried reinstalling Docker but the error still appears.

Because I am unfamiliar with Docker and nginx, I hope a more experienced user ( or the author Elton ) can give me some ideas what logs to check to see what could be causing this error. Thanks in advance,