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ch08 solution doesn't appear to work #38

Closed mikejwhat closed 2 years ago

mikejwhat commented 2 years ago

Exercise Chapter 8 lab

Problem HEALTHCHECK doesn't appear to work (dependency check using the same js file works ok though). The app continues to run after the memory limit has been reached.

Docker version v20.10.6

Code version commit 71384f8c09a8e0b3867a2c73ae09549774a21e85 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Author: Elton Stoneman Date: Fri Mar 5 15:43:14 2021 +0000

Bump Apache versions

Additional context The HEALTHCHECK doesn't appear to run at all. memory-check.js only seems to run during the dependency check. I've tried to make it write out to a file when ran as part of the HEALTHCHECK and the file doesn't materialise.

mikejwhat commented 2 years ago

Ignore me I've just realised it's the platform's responsibility to act upon health status.