sixro / confluence-maven-plugin

Enables you to maintain confluence pages whitin your code and update a confluence space when your are ready to do that
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Automatic deploy #22

Open ftrenchevski opened 6 years ago

ftrenchevski commented 6 years ago

We would like to be able to automatically push, deploy and upload context from existing repository directly into Confluence.
After some trial and error we were able to upload some context to testconfluence page, although there were some irregularities ( double heading ) when publishing the actual context on to testconfluence – see attachment.

The maven command that we used to publish on confluence looks like this: mvn -f pom-updated.xml process-resources –Pddoku Also it would be really helpful if explanation on how to upload images and/or graphs in confluence.

In attachment can be also found the POM.xml file with the current configuration.

In order to get this done we would need some support: mainly how to configure the confluence maven plugin so that the confluence output is shown properly.

Some help would be deeply appreciated 

Best regards,

Filip Trenchevski doubleheading

sixro commented 6 years ago

Hi @ftrenchevski and thanks for the issues. I think the double heading "The art of testing" is something difficult to fix, 'cause it is related to how Confluence shows the pages. I think you can hide the page title, but it can impact all your confluence (take a look here if you want to proceed in this way). I think images have to be uploaded manually and then mentioned in your page as links. Cheers R

P.S. I work for 😄

ftrenchevski commented 6 years ago

Hi Roberto Thanks for the fast response. I will give it a try all tho there is not much i can do when it comes to Confluence setup.

sixro commented 6 years ago

Hi Filip. Do you have confluence admins in a different office? If yes, I was in the same situation in the past, but in the end I was able to involve them and I changed the "template" of the page so that it was basically similar to the layout of Github 😃

ftrenchevski commented 6 years ago

Yes, thats exactly the case :) Its worth a shot :)