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Small idea about cut devices #13

Closed raphaelkross closed 10 years ago

raphaelkross commented 10 years ago


First, would like to say I love your plugin, it makes a complicated thing just work and with anything inside it without any problem, I want to say big thank you!!!

Now, what you think about the possibility of cutted devices like we can see in a few websites, where only a part of the device is showed with a shadow below.

Can you get what I'm thinking?!

Kind Regards, Rafael

justin-peacock commented 10 years ago

Hey @raphaelkross

I'm glad you're enjoying the plugin.

That's a great idea and I think I have an idea of how to accomplish that. I'll mess around with it tonight and will credit you with the idea once I push it up to the master.

Thanks for contributing!

justin-peacock commented 10 years ago

Hey @raphaelkross, do you have any examples I can look at? That way I know I'm following exactly what you're thinking?

raphaelkross commented 10 years ago

Sure thing, the image below show an example with hands, for example:


There is the possibility to show only about 90% of the device for example, what would create the "cut" effect I mentioned.

And for last, would be amazing having something like a browser window as an option:


This way the image would appear inside a "browser".

Thank you for the reply and for your time :)

Kind Regards.

justin-peacock commented 10 years ago

Test out the branch when you get a chance.

This doesn't really work with stacking yet but with single devices try the new "hide" attribute.

Example [device type="macbook" hide="left"][/device]

Options are left and right.

I'm still tweaking a few things but let me know if you have any issues.

raphaelkross commented 10 years ago

Oh, yeah! That's fantastic!

The cut option would work exactly like this, but if possible with support to hide bottom as well.

It's exactly this! Loved the browser options as well. I just think if the browser images could be improved a bit, like removing the drop shadow and with some realistic style like the image I sent or even a better flat style - I can help you with the images, if you want.

Thank you very much!

justin-peacock commented 10 years ago

I'll add top and bottom support to hide, wasn't sure if it were needed since I haven't seen it used.

The browsers were just something I was messing around with so it's nothing final yet. I've removed the drop shadows but haven't pushed it up to the repo yet.

The reason I went flat with the browsers is I'm debating going flat with everything. Whenever the new stuff comes out for Apple is when I would update everything. What's your opinion on going all flat? Doing both would be overkill I think.

raphaelkross commented 10 years ago


Great, the hide / bottom support is basically used the same way than left/right, you can see an example of use here - - scroll down until you see the iPad with bottom hidden :)

About browsers, I like both styles - I also prefer flat styles but I'm usually envolved in different projects styles and this will ldepend of the design style. In my opinion, I would like to see both styles avaliable and the user would have a bigger variety to select. Maybe a attribute like style="flat" or style="realistic" can allow both styles be added to plugin?!

Oh and just to ask, I don't know how the process of adding a new feature like this really is, so maybe I'm just doing a dumb question, but I would like to hear from you, what you think about these "hand on device effect" like displayed in the image of previous post or even in the slide of this page - hard to add? Useless? hehehe

Thank you for your time!

Kind Regards!

justin-peacock commented 10 years ago

It's not that it's hard to add features but one goal of this plugin for me is not to overpack it with features. I'd like to keep it simple. Which is why I mentioned I would like to either go flat or realistic and not offer both.

As for the top/bottom, I'm not sure it's going to work as well as left and right. In your example it's hidden behind it's container and in this plugin I can only control what the shortcode outputs so it would be difficult to code for every type of theme.

Like I said though I'm still debating on a lot of this stuff. Going to wait till the new devices are announced before I start updating any device images. I appreciate your help and input.