siyandong / NeuralCoMapping

[CVPR 2022] Multi-Robot Active Mapping via Neural Bipartite Graph Matching.
MIT License
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Problem with loading texture #5

Open Dr-Xiaogaren opened 2 years ago

Dr-Xiaogaren commented 2 years ago

Thanks for open-sourcing such a solid and excellent work. But I found the following problem in test:

When I tried to test the trained model on the Matterport3D dataset, I found that the texture of the scene mesh could not be loaded correctly. The RGB images acquired by the robots are completely black without color.

The scene used for testing is named E9uDoFAP3SH picked from mp3d-b.scenes. The data format of the scene is like this:

(base) [/workspace/NeuralCoMapping/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gibson2/data/g_dataset/E9uDoFAP3SH]$ ls
combined.mtl  floor_0.yaml  floor_1.yaml    floor_trav_0.png  floor_trav_1.png  ins_map.png    mesh_z_up.obj.mtl  texture_combined.jpg
floor_0.png   floor_1.png   floor_trav_0.p  floor_trav_1.p    floors.txt        mesh_z_up.obj  sem_map.png

I also did not modify the config file basic.yaml. Although the lack of texture does not affect the acquisition of depth information, it would be better if a full RGB image could be acquired.

I would be very grateful if you could provide some ideas

illusive-chase commented 2 years ago

It works fine in my environment. I guess you probably didn't set the vis_type parameter, whose default value 0 means "no visualization". We disable RGB rendering by default for higher FPS. And I will add more notes about visualization in README soon :)

If you did set the vis_type to a non-zero value, plz let me know and I'll check further.