siygle / grunt-autoshot

Create a quick screenshot for your site which could help for document or testing
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Get automatic html files and generate #10

Open brunowego opened 10 years ago

brunowego commented 10 years ago

Have any way to auto search the html files and generate the screenshots from this files?

        autoshot: {
            dist: {
                options: {
                    path: '<%= config.dist %>/screenshots/',
                    remote: {
                        files: []
                    local: {
                        path: './dist',
                        port: 7788,
                        files: [{
                            src: '404.html',
                            dest: '404.jpg'
                        }, {
                            src: 'acessibilidade.html',
                            dest: 'acessibilidade.jpg'
                        }, {
                            src: 'alterar-abas.html',
                            dest: 'alterar-abas.jpg'
                    viewport: [