siyuan-note / siyuan

A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Linux端无法打开开发者工具 #11878

Open HowcanoeWang opened 3 weeks ago

HowcanoeWang commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Can the issue be reproduced with the default theme (daylight/midnight)?

Could the issue be due to extensions?

Describe the problem

Linux端下,tar.gz安装包解压的思源笔记,最新的v202406300000 版本(包括之前的好几版) 点击开发者工具没有任何反应


Expected result


Screenshot or screen recording presentation

No response

Version environment

- Version: v202406300000
- Operating System: Manjaro
- Browser (if used):

Log file

      ___                                   ___           ___           ___
     /  /\        ___           ___        /__/\         /  /\         /__/\
    /  /:/_      /  /\         /__/|       \  \:\       /  /::\        \  \:\
   /  /:/ /\    /  /:/        |  |:|        \  \:\     /  /:/\:\        \  \:\
  /  /:/ /::\  /__/::\        |  |:|    ___  \  \:\   /  /:/~/::\   _____\__\:\
 /__/:/ /:/\:\ \__\/\:\__   __|__|:|   /__/\  \__\:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::::::\
 \  \:\/:/~/:/    \  \:\/\ /__/::::\   \  \:\ /  /:/ \  \:\/:/__\/ \  \:\~~\~~\/
  \  \::/ /:/      \__\::/    ~\~~\:\   \  \:\  /:/   \  \::/       \  \:\  ~~~
   \__\/ /:/       /__/:/       \  \:\   \  \:\/:/     \  \:\        \  \:\
     /__/:/        \__\/         \__\/    \  \::/       \  \:\        \  \:\
     \__\/                                 \__\/         \__\/         \__\/
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 runtime.go:74: kernel is booting:
    * ver [3.0.17]
    * arch [amd64]
    * os [arch]
    * pid [1617100]
    * runtime mode [prod]
    * working directory [/home/hwang/Applications/siyuan/resources]
    * read only [false]
    * container [std]
    * database [ver=20220501]
    * workspace directory [/home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 conf.go:125: loaded conf [/home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan/conf/conf.json]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 conf.go:440: OpenAI API enabled
    userAgent=SiYuan/3.0.17 std/linux
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 conf.go:486: user has enabled [Automatically upload error messages and diagnostic data]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 runtime.go:123: use network proxy [system]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 serve.go:127: kernel [pid=1617100] http server [] is booting
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 ocr.go:310: tesseract-ocr enabled [ver=5.3.4, maxSize=2 MB, langs=chi_sim+chi_tra+eng+osd]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 pandoc.go:176: initialized built-in pandoc [ver=, bin=/home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan/temp/pandoc/bin/pandoc]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 conf.go:1096: pandoc initialized, set pandoc bin to [/home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan/temp/pandoc/bin/pandoc]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 sync.go:749: sync websocket connected
I 2024/07/03 10:13:45 sync.go:794: sync websocket message: &{0  map[cmd:kernels kernels:[map[hostname:NERV-ASUS id:rv57aoo os:windows repo:PRTS终端 ver:3.0.17] map[hostname:NERV-Linux id:1iqus5g os:linux repo:PRTS终端 ver:3.0.17]]]}
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 fixedport.go:35: fixed port service [] is running
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 sync.go:147: sync before boot
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 ref.go:50: got local latest [device=5878cff221574ea98571221c48844658/linux, id=c420ec3d1605624bb4f21604d371370ec4d278a6, files=5100, size=364.36 MB, created=2024-07-03 10:13:36]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 repo.go:595: walk data [files=5100] cost [26.07544ms]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 ref.go:50: got local latest [device=5878cff221574ea98571221c48844658/linux, id=c420ec3d1605624bb4f21604d371370ec4d278a6, files=5100, size=364.36 MB, created=2024-07-03 10:13:36]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 ref.go:50: got local latest [device=5878cff221574ea98571221c48844658/linux, id=c420ec3d1605624bb4f21604d371370ec4d278a6, files=5100, size=364.36 MB, created=2024-07-03 10:13:36]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:46 siyuan.go:138: downloaded object [siyuan/1632747327919/repo/PRTS终端/refs/latest]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 siyuan.go:138: downloaded object [siyuan/1632747327919/repo/PRTS终端/indexes/c420ec3d1605624bb4f21604d371370ec4d278a6]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 sync.go:1581: got cloud latest [device=5878cff221574ea98571221c48844658/linux, id=c420ec3d1605624bb4f21604d371370ec4d278a6, files=5100, size=364.36 MB, created=2024-07-03 10:13:36]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 repository.go:1219: boot get sync cloud files elapsed [1.21s]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 conf.go:832: database size [588.42 MB], tree/block count [1212/68216]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 working.go:193: kernel booted
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=1212, blocks=68216, dataSize=370.02 MB, assetsSize=179.64 MB]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:47 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=844.37 GB, used=544.4 GB, free=257.01 GB]
I 2024/07/03 10:13:50 session.go:116: auth success [ip=]
W 2024/07/03 10:16:15 widget.go:157: stat install theme failed: stat /home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan/data/widgets/luck/ no such file or directory
W 2024/07/03 10:16:23 widget.go:157: stat install theme failed: stat /home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan/data/widgets/luck/ no such file or directory
W 2024/07/03 10:16:31 widget.go:157: stat install theme failed: stat /home/hwang/Documents/SiYuan/data/widgets/luck/ no such file or directory

More information

No response

88250 commented 3 weeks ago

请试下 Ctrl+Shift+I 是否起作用。

HowcanoeWang commented 3 weeks ago

请试下 Ctrl+Shift+I 是否起作用。


88250 commented 3 weeks ago

我这里在 Ubuntu 上测试可以正常打开。

HowcanoeWang commented 3 weeks ago


    ~/Applications/siyuan  ./siyuan                                                                   ✔ 
xdg-mime: application argument missing
Try 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.
app is packaged [true], command line args [/home/crest/Applications/siyuan/siyuan]
got kernel port [35033]
ui version [3.0.17], booting kernel [/home/crest/Applications/siyuan/resources/kernel/SiYuan-Kernel --port 35033 --wd /home/crest/Applications/siyuan/resources]
booted kernel process [pid=241891, port=35033]
checking kernel version
got kernel version [3.0.17]
windowStat [x=236, y=184, width=1770, height=795], default [width=2048, height=1104], workArea [width=2560, height=1380]
network proxy [system]
[241604:0704/110444.547614:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught RangeError: Incorrect locale information provided", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/ui/components/issue_counter/issue_counter.js (1)
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.mainMenu is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.editReadonly is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab1 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab2 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab3 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab4 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab5 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab6 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab7 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab8 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTab9 is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTabNext is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToTabPrev is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToEditTabNext is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.goToEditTabPrev is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.splitLR is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.splitMoveR is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.splitTB is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.splitMoveB is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.closeOthers is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.closeAll is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.closeUnmodified is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.closeLeft is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.closeRight is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.tabToWindow is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.addToDatabase is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.unsplit is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.general.unsplitAll is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.jumpToParentPrev is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.jumpToParent is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.duplicateCompletely is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.copyProtocolInMd is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.netAssets2LocalAssets is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.exitFocus is not found or match: undefined is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.general.switchReadonly is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.insert.ordered-list is not found or match: undefined
window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor.insert.list is not found or match: undefined
update keymap
exited ui
HowcanoeWang commented 3 weeks ago


xdg-mime: application argument missing
Try 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.
app is packaged [true], command line args [/home/crest/Applications/siyuan/siyuan]
got kernel port [37601]
ui version [3.0.17], booting kernel [/home/crest/Applications/siyuan/resources/kernel/SiYuan-Kernel --port 37601 --wd /home/crest/Applications/siyuan/resources]
booted kernel process [pid=243839, port=37601]
checking kernel version
got kernel version [3.0.17]
windowStat [x=236, y=184, width=1770, height=795], default [width=2048, height=1104], workArea [width=2560, height=1380]
network proxy [system]
[243547:0704/111252.511079:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught RangeError: Incorrect locale information provided", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/ui/components/issue_counter/issue_counter.js (1)
exited ui

只点ctrl+shift+I 也是一样的输出

88250 commented 3 weeks ago

麻烦再试试 appimage 包

HowcanoeWang commented 3 weeks ago

麻烦再试试 appimage 包


    ~/Applications/siyuan  ./siyuan-v202407032304-linux.AppImage                                      ✔ 
xdg-mime: application argument missing
Try 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.
app is packaged [true], command line args [/tmp/.mount_siyuanZn20Ch/siyuan]
got kernel port [34115]
ui version [3.0.17], booting kernel [/tmp/.mount_siyuanZn20Ch/resources/kernel/SiYuan-Kernel --port 34115 --wd /tmp/.mount_siyuanZn20Ch/resources]
booted kernel process [pid=246517, port=34115]
checking kernel version
get kernel version failed: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
get kernel version failed: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
get kernel version failed: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
got kernel version [3.0.17]
windowStat [x=236, y=184, width=1770, height=795], default [width=2048, height=1104], workArea [width=2560, height=1380]
network proxy [system]
[245959:0704/111847.282432:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[245959:0704/111847.282484:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[245959:0704/111852.607068:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[245959:0704/111852.607115:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
88250 commented 3 weeks ago

可能和 Incorrect locale information provided 有关系,目前暂时排查不到具体问题了。

HowcanoeWang commented 3 weeks ago

莫非manjaro升级后,locale 从'_'变成了'-' 导致的?

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