siyuan-note / siyuan

A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Siyuan doesn't want load any pages #13360

Closed DrTableBasse closed 16 hours ago

DrTableBasse commented 16 hours ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Can the issue be reproduced with the default theme (daylight/midnight)?

Could the issue be due to extensions?

Describe the problem

When I want to load any page, I dont have any results. I delete all plugin, restart the container and have the same problem.. image

Expected result

Just want to read article for my team x)

Screenshot or screen recording presentation


Version environment

- Version: latest
- Operating System: Windows 11
- Browser (if used): Firefox Latest

Log file

I 2024/12/03 14:17:24 runtime.go:87: kernel is booting:

More information

No response

88250 commented 16 hours ago

Try reset the UI:


DrTableBasse commented 16 hours ago

I just tried right now and nothing change lol x)

DrTableBasse commented 16 hours ago

Latest logs :

main-1  | Creating group siyuan (1000)
main-1  | Creating user siyuan (PUID: 1000, PGID: 1000)
main-1  | Adjusting ownership of /opt/siyuan, /home/siyuan/, and /siyuan/workspace/
main-1  | Starting Siyuan with UID:1000 and GID:1000 in workspace /siyuan/workspace/
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 working.go:147:
main-1  |       ___                                   ___           ___           ___
main-1  |      /  /\        ___           ___        /__/\         /  /\         /__/\
main-1  |     /  /:/_      /  /\         /__/|       \  \:\       /  /::\        \  \:\
main-1  |    /  /:/ /\    /  /:/        |  |:|        \  \:\     /  /:/\:\        \  \:\
main-1  |   /  /:/ /::\  /__/::\        |  |:|    ___  \  \:\   /  /:/~/::\   _____\__\:\
main-1  |  /__/:/ /:/\:\ \__\/\:\__   __|__|:|   /__/\  \__\:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::::::\
main-1  |  \  \:\/:/~/:/    \  \:\/\ /__/::::\   \  \:\ /  /:/ \  \:\/:/__\/ \  \:\~~\~~\/
main-1  |   \  \::/ /:/      \__\::/    ~\~~\:\   \  \:\  /:/   \  \::/       \  \:\  ~~~
main-1  |    \__\/ /:/       /__/:/       \  \:\   \  \:\/:/     \  \:\        \  \:\
main-1  |      /__/:/        \__\/         \__\/    \  \::/       \  \:\        \  \:\
main-1  |      \__\/                                 \__\/         \__\/         \__\/
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 runtime.go:87: kernel is booting:
main-1  |     * ver [3.1.14]
main-1  |     * arch [amd64]
main-1  |     * os [alpine]
main-1  |     * pid [1]
main-1  |     * runtime mode [prod]
main-1  |     * working directory [/opt/siyuan]
main-1  |     * read only [false]
main-1  |     * container [docker]
main-1  |     * database [ver=20220501]
main-1  |     * workspace directory [/siyuan/workspace/]
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 conf.go:130: loaded conf [/siyuan/workspace/conf/conf.json]
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 runtime.go:139: use network proxy [system]
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 serve.go:209: kernel [pid=1] http server [] is booting
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 conf.go:851: database size [3.8 MB], tree/block count [20/1459]
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 working.go:193: kernel booted
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:20 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=20, blocks=1459, dataSize=54.8 MB, assetsSize=54.26 MB]
main-1  | W 2024/12/03 14:55:20 serve.go:589: closed an unauthenticated session []
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:55:20 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
main-1  | W 2024/12/03 14:55:22 serve.go:589: closed an unauthenticated session []
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:55:22 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
main-1  | W 2024/12/03 14:55:23 serve.go:589: closed an unauthenticated session []
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:55:23 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
main-1  | W 2024/12/03 14:55:23 serve.go:589: closed an unauthenticated session []
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:55:23 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
main-1  | I 2024/12/03 14:55:46 session.go:121: auth success [ip=]
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:55:46 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:56:02 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
main-1  | 2024/12/03 14:56:02 http: response.Write on hijacked connection from*responseWriter).Write (response_writer.go:83)
DrTableBasse commented 16 hours ago

To give more informations, I have authentik in front to create authentification for my users and have Nginx Proxy manager in front too

NPM ---> Authentik ---> Siyuan

So basically i never had problem with siyuan, but i think with the latest, it should create some problems

88250 commented 16 hours ago

It seems to be a problem with access authorization. I guess you can only check it yourself.

DrTableBasse commented 16 hours ago

OK so I check with older version it works ! So If u want, i'll keep this issue open and check in parallele with newest version

88250 commented 16 hours ago

This is probably not SiYuan's issue. I closed it. Thanks for the feedback.

DrTableBasse commented 16 hours ago

It's Siyuan issue...

88250 commented 15 hours ago

Please remove the middleware from the test to avoid the impact of the environment configuration.

DrTableBasse commented 15 hours ago

I already do that lol and have the same problem

I can screenshot again if you want 😄

88250 commented 15 hours ago

Do you mean there will be authentication issues if you access the IP:port directly?

DrTableBasse commented 15 hours ago

I disable authentik SSO I try directly with ip:port directly for siyuan and got the same problem Any pages doesn't want load as the screen I sended

88250 commented 15 hours ago

Please send a new log.

DrTableBasse commented 15 hours ago

the logs are the same as i send before... :-/

88250 commented 15 hours ago

main-1 | W 2024/12/03 14:55:22 serve.go:589: closed an unauthenticated session []

Check your WebSocket proxy configuration

DrTableBasse commented 15 hours ago

Yeah i check it and it's OK For me, it's the new version which as problem as i said before x) maybe it's fault about which data i have idk

88250 commented 14 hours ago

We have not received similar feedback from other users so far. We recommend that you check your configuration and environment.