In the demos of recycle view, it looked like when you create a new item in a recycle view, it'll create a new button of the same size. If that button won't fit in the current size, it'll appear off screen and the user can scroll from one side to another.
The current implementation of recycle view doesn't do this. This should be investigated and fixed.
Found out the cause for this was I was setting the default_size_hint_x to 1, which would take up the entire width of the recycle view. Changing this field fixed the issue.
In the demos of recycle view, it looked like when you create a new item in a recycle view, it'll create a new button of the same size. If that button won't fit in the current size, it'll appear off screen and the user can scroll from one side to another.
The current implementation of recycle view doesn't do this. This should be investigated and fixed.